Theme Makeup with a Purpose


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LoL medgal - at first i hadn't read the last bit of your post, and i was wondering about the labels...i thought maybe you had some testers or samples of that stuff!!

i think labelling would help with my illamasqua products, especially the lip glosses - the product names rub off excessively fast, and i've often had to refer to the illamasqua website and blogger swatches too determine what lipgloss i am holding in my hand!!!

i wore some hey sailor shades as well for our red white blue theme - though i did eyeshadows...i used barefoot on the lid, and nautical navy as a liner. for blush i used stark naked (raspberry pink) and enough said (apricot gold) together. no time for lipstick though....
Aradhana, in case you haven't figured it out by now---I'm such a nerd.
I label my products as soon as I get them. The writing on most packaging is way too small

and with such a large stash, who can remember everything!!!

It looks like you Dominique & me were on the same page w/the Hey Sailor collex!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   What a good idea---really!  No kidding--that works.  I love a tan or beige e/s on the lid (most recently Burberry's Pale Barley), orange in the transition area and [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   something like Soft brown to blend...the orange just seemingly peeps out.  Put a little orange blush on and voila!!!![/COLOR]
I've really been into orange shades in my crease lately! Like that look I did with Star Violet and Rule. I'm getting a lot more use out of Rule than I used to. It used to sit all lonely in the back of my vanity. I felt so sorry for it. Haha


Well-known member
Aradhana, in case you haven't figured it out by now---I'm such a nerd.
I label my products as soon as I get them. The writing on most packaging is way too small

and with such a large stash, who can remember everything!!!

It looks like you Dominique & me were on the same page w/the Hey Sailor collex!
a makeup nerd is the best kind of nerd to be, in my books!

i have a really hard time remembering everything - my collection has also hit that critical mass where there's just no hope! i use to be able to remember every single item of makeup i had, but that was years ago!

so i found this you tuber just now that i just adore...she's very fun to watch! i wish i had found this video when we were doing our bright oranges, but maybe i can work her tips into the jungle portion of this month and get some good use of my scary orange lipsticks!!!



Well-known member
a makeup nerd is the best kind of nerd to be, in my books!

i have a really hard time remembering everything - my collection has also hit that critical mass where there's just no hope! i use to be able to remember every single item of makeup i had, but that was years ago!

so i found this you tuber just now that i just adore...she's very fun to watch! i wish i had found this video when we were doing our bright oranges, but maybe i can work her tips into the jungle portion of this month and get some good use of my scary orange lipsticks!!!
I now keep an inventory document to keep up with what I have---it would be otherwise impossible!!!

I loved that video!!!! She's adorable, and very entertaining---very pretty too. I've always put concealer on my lips pre-lipstick, which also tones a bright lipstick down. I'll have to try it her way and apply a little after the fact to tone it down. She was really very good. Thanks for sharing that video!


Well-known member
I've really been into orange shades in my crease lately! Like that look I did with Star Violet and Rule. I'm getting a lot more use out of Rule than I used to. It used to sit all lonely in the back of my vanity. I felt so sorry for it. Haha
I love Rule Mandy but when I got Brash, Rule no longer ruled
and I started using Brash more. It's a bit darker and a different finish but pretty none the less.
I like Fresh Daily, Mythology, Amber Lights, Paradisco, & Full of Flavor too, all in the orange family.


Well-known member
  :haha: [COLOR=0000FF]I love Rule Mandy but when I got Brash, Rule no longer ruled [/COLOR]:lol: [COLOR=0000FF] and I started using Brash more.  It's a bit darker and a different finish but pretty none the less.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]            I like Fresh Daily, Mythology, Amber Lights, Paradisco, & Full of Flavor too, all in the orange family.[/COLOR]
I don't own Brash but it is a stunning shade. I used to never wear orange lipstick, blush, or eyeshadow. Now I crave it.


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF]Hi there Beautybuyer!  [/COLOR]:pompom:  [COLOR=0000FF]So glad you stopped by and hope you'll join us whenever you can.  Thanks for the compliment![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  The first week of July is Patriotic, but with any of our themes and challenges, we just want you to have fun using your products.  If a theme[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  is burdensome in that you don't have the colors in your stash of you don't find the colors flattering on you, by all means work with what you have and the [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  colors that suit your personal preferences.  The remainder of July is a Jungle theme which runs the gamut of the color wheel, from bright jewel tones to muted[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  olive greens and earth tones.  This should be fun because so many of our products fall into this category.  I'm looking forward to acquiring some looks and ideas[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  from everyone here.  We're also going to focus on both new & unused makeup, and makeup that we've not shown much love in recent times.  I'm very excited[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  about the month of July!!! [/COLOR]
Hmm I've been needing to purchase some earthy tones so this is the perfect excuse!


Well-known member
Thanks Meddy and Naomi!

Meddy that Hey Sailor looks sounds fabulous! I have some Hey sailor stuff in my stash I will have to dig it out! I love orange shadows it can really warm up the face! Yes Naomi use you orange shadows since we both have to be creative this month on our July no buy!

I have that white sparkly lip gloss , from Hey Sailor and one from Marilyn which can work with my patriotic looks this week !

Aradhana , that look you posted from Youtube is simple gorgeous now I have someone new to watch! Thanks. I need to label my stuff , because it sucks to wear something and not know what it is, lol I was on the internet over the weekend trying to find the name for a few lippies I had and two eye shadows where the name had rubbed off, because of this I started keeping some of my stash in their boxes but that takes up lots of space.

Mandy my look yesterday was blue liner on a neutral lid with red lips! I like that look too. ETA I checked out the video and that was pretty much my exact look!


Well-known member
Thanks Meddy and Naomi!

Meddy that Hey Sailor looks sounds fabulous! I have some Hey sailor stuff in my stash I will have to dig it out! I love orange shadows it can really warm up the face! Yes Naomi use you orange shadows since we both have to be creative this month on our July no buy!

I have that white sparkly lip gloss , from Hey Sailor and one from Marilyn which can work with my patriotic looks this week !

Aradhana , that look you posted from Youtube is simple gorgeous now I have someone new to watch! Thanks. I need to label my stuff , because it sucks to wear something and not know what it is, lol I was on the internet over the weekend trying to find the name for a few lippies I had and two eye shadows where the name had rubbed off, because of this I started keeping some of my stash in their boxes but that takes up lots of space.

Mandy my look yesterday was blue liner on a neutral lid with red lips! I like that look too. ETA I checked out the video and that was pretty much my exact look!


Well-known member
What a good idea---really! No kidding--that works. I love a tan or beige e/s on the lid (most recently Burberry's Pale Barley), orange in the transition area and
something like Soft brown to blend...the orange just seemingly peeps out. Put a little orange blush on and voila!!!!
Oh that sounds really pretty!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]Today I wore a few items from the MAC Hey Sailor collection.  I wore Red Racer lipstick, Throw Me a Line lip pencil [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]and[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Send Me Sailing[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]lip glass.  My eye look was neutral golds---Chanel's IDO cream e/s in [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Mirage[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF], described as bronze, [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]but it's a gorgeous gold on my lids; MAC's[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Tempting[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]to crease & transition area;  Dior's [/COLOR]Nude Shimmer Powder, Golden Shimmer [COLOR=0000FF] [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]to my brow bones & high facial planes and MAC's Frankly Scarlet blush[/COLOR]. [COLOR=0000FF]Hey Sailor nautical tote, Red Racer, Throw Me A Line & Send me Sailing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]I label my products - don't judge me too harshly![/COLOR] :haha:
This is a gorgeous idea Meddy, it sounds beautiful ! Hey Sailor what a pretty collection ( I should not have skipped it ) Red Racer is a stunner ! And the packagings are just perfect for summer . Thank you for sharing your makeup and the pic is awesome ( including the labels lol )


Well-known member
My look today was easy with a twist. Eyes - Bad to the Bronze my staple color tattoo with MAC's Prussian eye shadow as my liner, after watching Lisa Eldridge talk using your shadows as colorful eyeliners because it softens the ine I've been hooked. Just Benefit's Rockateur as my blush .

My lips MAC's Hey Sailor lip gloss in Cut Loose ( which is a white shimmery color and I lined my lips with NYX Electric Blue liner for a soft light blue glossy lip!

See Naomi we can be creative when we have too LOL


Well-known member
My look today was easy with a twist. Eyes - Bad to the Bronze my staple color tattoo with MAC's Prussian eye shadow as my liner, after watching Lisa Eldridge talk using your shadows as colorful eyeliners because it softens the ine I've been hooked. Just Benefit's Rockateur as my blush . My lips MAC's Hey Sailor lip gloss in Cut Loose ( which is a white shimmery color and I lined my lips with NYX Electric Blue liner for a soft light blue glossy  lip! See Naomi we can be creative when we have too LOL
Sounds like a very cool look! Sigh... I just love Prussian. MAC is insane for discontinuing it.


Well-known member
Sounds like a very cool look! Sigh... I just love Prussian. MAC is insane for discontinuing it.
Thanks Mandy, ITA I don't know what mac is thinking it's the perfect smokey deep blue color! I rarely understand the things they discontinue they are always well loved!


Well-known member
My look today was easy with a twist. Eyes - Bad to the Bronze my staple color tattoo with MAC's Prussian eye shadow as my liner, after watching Lisa Eldridge talk using your shadows as colorful eyeliners because it softens the ine I've been hooked. Just Benefit's Rockateur as my blush .

My lips MAC's Hey Sailor lip gloss in Cut Loose ( which is a white shimmery color and I lined my lips with NYX Electric Blue liner for a soft light blue glossy lip!

See Naomi we can be creative when we have too LOL
That we can! I love using eye shadow as liner too!


Well-known member
Today's look was quite simple. I used VGRiRi, Gingerly blush and Rio MSF.
Hey Pretty girl, Gingerly looks great on you , I knew it would it is one of my favorites and I love RIO too don't use it enough! I wish RRW looked like that on me!

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