Theme Makeup with a Purpose


Well-known member
Hey ladies, a quick update on our makeup day. So things got completely switched around, but it worked out. It reminded me of why I don't plan things with certain friends. BUT, I won't get into that. I'll just say, appointments were made for 1 (laura mercier) and 130 (mac). We ended up paying the $50 for the gift card and doing the MAC lesson at 6pm. Which, I have to say, worked out phenomenally.
My Mom and GF LOVED their teachers and lesson. They looked BEAUTIFUL. My Mom had an idea of the look she wanted, and was able to practice her technique. She even did a great job on her winged eyeliner.
When we got there I tried taking her to Nars to show her the Audacious lippies, but she isn't ready for them. They were too opaque and pigmented. She tried on Jeanne, which I might just go back and get for her. It was perfect on her. So the MUA, who was so awesome, showed her a few other things and she decided on the Velvet Gloss pencil Happy Days. (which I might have to go get for myself) I took her over to GArmani to see the eye tints, but she couldn't really get into them. She just wanted to do her makeover and go from there. Plus it was their trend show, and there was a lot going on. She was like they are blow drying people's hair in the middle of the store.

So on to the lesson. I was so focused on getting them squared away, I didn't know what kind of look I wanted. The young lady who working one me was good. Not as much as a teacher as the other MUA's but it was good. However, I did learn, I've been putting my blush way too low. she placed it higher closer to my eye and nose. I NEVER would have put it there, but talk about a chiseled face. Contour? WHAT? Not needed. Cheeks were on fleek (couldn't help myself). I LOVED it. She used the Blue x9 palette on me and used Club and some other shadow in the quad, and lined the inner rim. Two things, I don't know why I don't own Club, or why I don't line the inner rim. LIKE EVER. LOL They put me in matchmaster 7, which at first was hella orange, but seemed to adjust and was really nice. I might have to add it to the stash.
On my mom, they used Amber lights, and the amber X9 quad. They created a great everyday look for her. Then when it came to the lipstick, she was unsure of what to do, but I mentioned how I wanted her in a bright matte. So the MUA, chose All Fired Up, it was awesome, but too much for her. So they put a gloss over it and she loved it, everyone did, they kept asking what it was. Some busybody know it all, was like that's not all fired up, you have on a liner. My mom was like, yeah, I do. So I had to step in and break it down for them. The line matched the lipstick, it was the gloss that toned it down. Anyway, I digress. My mom has great skin, which she did not give to me, but she gave me the premature gray (WTF, why?) . Like, I don't think my Mother has EVER had acne, and to be in her late 50's, there aren't any wrinkles. So, for foundation they gave her NC 45 pro long wear concealer and get this, Refined Golden Bronzer for her powder. It looked great. But I questioned it, and the MUA explained it will be fine b/c she has a lot of golden tones in her skin. They also suggested the Natural radiance in yellow, and some eye primer I have never seen before. Oh, can you believe, my Mom even said I could just give her MY All Fired Up... No my sister, you've got to get your own. What I loved about her look is, it is the peachy golden e/s color, I've been wanting to put her in. I did give her my $50 gift card so she wouldn't have to worry about prices.
My friend looked great. She had matchmastaer 7.5, BurgundyX9, and I don't remember the lipstick, but ended up getting All Fired Up, and Media as well.

They were sooo happy! My work here is done! *washing hands motion* I will totally do the lesson again with them.

I like the X9 palettes, they are small, but I think they are awesome for travel, newbies, and to throw one in your purse. I might end up with them all. I walked away with nothing, but the preorder I did with Armani. I didn't really HAVE to get anything.

Oh Shars, they laughed at me for trying to get your swatches. The first time I went, they didn't have all the colors. So I went back again ( a few are still missing). They were like why, you got enough, why are you putting them on your arm. UM, No. I need them all. They don't understand, yet.

I forgot the numbers, but I can figure them out. (ok, help me out ladies, I forgot)

From left to right...(1st pic) 1. obsidian, I don't remember the next two colors but I think it is 12 gold ashes, and 11 rose ashes. 10 senso, 7 Shadow, 6 Green Iron, 5 onyx 4 Emeraude, 3 Jade, 2 Menuit
I don't remember the first two. In order of left to right here is what I think they are: 11 rose ashes, 8 flannel, 6 green iron, 5 onyx, 9 gold copper, 7 shadow, 4 emeraude, this is either one or two I think 2 menuit, I think 10 senso. sorry I forgot their names.


Well-known member
Rebel, Vintage Vamp, Dolce Vita and maybe the Fallen Angel one if I can justify the ridiculous mark up just for the embossed stars. Rebel and Vintage Vamp are sure bets though!

I've seen it many, many times. The thing is though, when you know better, you do better and a lot of the ladies they were crying down most likely don't know any better. A lotttt of women 30 and up where I'm from hardly wear makeup let alone know how to wear it. I've seen many of these so called crimes committed on a daily basis. It's only thanks to youtube and what not where info is more available that I've seen people have a greater handle on application and techniques. As Meddy said, if there's something I don't like about someones makeup, appearance etc, I find something else to compliment or don't say anything at all. It's too easy to be insensitive to people's feelings these days.
I LOVE your selections!!!! I should have gotten VV before Rebel because I love, love love burgundy eyeshadow!!! I know I'll be happy with Rebel too because I love
green eyeshadow but I should have gotten it after VV. I actually should have gotten them at the same time but I was lusting after a Burberry quad of pinks. I wore
Fallen Angel Saturday night. It's a nice palette. I constructed a traditional smokey eye and used an Armani Eye Tint, Obsidian as a base for the black e/s. I enjoyed
the look.



Well-known member
Hey ladies, a quick update on our makeup day. So things got completely switched around, but it worked out. It reminded me of why I don't plan things with certain friends. BUT, I won't get into that. I'll just say, appointments were made for 1 (laura mercier) and 130 (mac). We ended up paying the $50 for the gift card and doing the MAC lesson at 6pm. Which, I have to say, worked out phenomenally.
My Mom and GF LOVED their teachers and lesson. They looked BEAUTIFUL. My Mom had an idea of the look she wanted, and was able to practice her technique. She even did a great job on her winged eyeliner.
When we got there I tried taking her to Nars to show her the Audacious lippies, but she isn't ready for them. They were too opaque and pigmented. She tried on Jeanne, which I might just go back and get for her. It was perfect on her. So the MUA, who was so awesome, showed her a few other things and she decided on the Velvet Gloss pencil Happy Days. (which I might have to go get for myself) I took her over to GArmani to see the eye tints, but she couldn't really get into them. She just wanted to do her makeover and go from there. Plus it was their trend show, and there was a lot going on. She was like they are blow drying people's hair in the middle of the store.

So on to the lesson. I was so focused on getting them squared away, I didn't know what kind of look I wanted. The young lady who working one me was good. Not as much as a teacher as the other MUA's but it was good. However, I did learn, I've been putting my blush way too low. she placed it higher closer to my eye and nose. I NEVER would have put it there, but talk about a chiseled face. Contour? WHAT? Not needed. Cheeks were on fleek (couldn't help myself). I LOVED it. She used the Blue x9 palette on me and used Club and some other shadow in the quad, and lined the inner rim. Two things, I don't know why I don't own Club, or why I don't line the inner rim. LIKE EVER. LOL They put me in matchmaster 7, which at first was hella orange, but seemed to adjust and was really nice. I might have to add it to the stash.
On my mom, they used Amber lights, and the amber X9 quad. They created a great everyday look for her. Then when it came to the lipstick, she was unsure of what to do, but I mentioned how I wanted her in a bright matte. So the MUA, chose All Fired Up, it was awesome, but too much for her. So they put a gloss over it and she loved it, everyone did, they kept asking what it was. Some busybody know it all, was like that's not all fired up, you have on a liner. My mom was like, yeah, I do. So I had to step in and break it down for them. The line matched the lipstick, it was the gloss that toned it down. Anyway, I digress. My mom has great skin, which she did not give to me, but she gave me the premature gray (WTF, why?) . Like, I don't think my Mother has EVER had acne, and to be in her late 50's, there aren't any wrinkles. So, for foundation they gave her NC 45 pro long wear and get this, Refined Golden Bronzer for her powder. It looked great. But I questioned it, and the MUA explained it will be fine b/c she has a lot of golden tones in her skin. They also suggested the Natural radiance in yellow, and some eye primer I have never seen before. Oh, can you believe, my Mom even said I could just give her MY All Fired Up... No my sister, you've got to get your own. What I loved about her look is, it is the peachy golden e/s color, I've been wanting to put her in. I did give her my $50 gift card so she wouldn't have to worry about prices.
My friend looked great. She had matchmastaer 7.5, BurgundyX9, and I don't remember the lipstick, but ended up getting All Fired Up, and Media as well.

They were sooo happy! My work here is done! *washing hands motion* I will totally do the lesson again with them.

I like the X9 palettes, they are small, but I think they are awesome for travel, newbies, and to throw one in your purse. I might end up with them all. I walked away with nothing, but the preorder I did with Armani. I didn't really HAVE to get anything.

Oh Shars, they laughed at me for trying to get your swatches. The first time I went, they didn't have all the colors. So I went back again ( a few are still missing). They were like why, you got enough, why are you putting them on your arm. UM, No. I need them all. They don't understand, yet.

I forgot the numbers, but I can figure them out.
Pretty, I loved reading this post!!! I felt like I was reading a bedtime story (forgive me it's late) that i didn't want to end. What a great day you gave to your mother and GF!
What do you think of the Armani Eye Tints now that you've worn them on your arm? They're really great on their own but that also work well as a base for powder e/s.
GREAT day!!!!!!! Oh, and maybe you didn't get mom's skin but you got that gorgeous face from her!!!! I'm glad things fell into place and a good time was had by all!!!!


Well-known member
LOL at Bedtime story. I totally understand. I should have started from the switching of plans two days before.
That was the other thing they didn't get. I was waving my arm around waiting for the tints to dry and they didn't understand why I was doing that or wipe my arm right away. LOL
So far, I love them, except for Jade . I'm not fond of that color. I haven't worn them on my eyes yet. I plan to tomorrow. If I get rid of this migraine.


Well-known member
  1. LORAC Secret Agent - plum brown
  2. Bite Granache - cool pink
  3. Bite Mulberry - burgundy/wine
  4. MAC Icon - bronze plum
  5. MAC Moody Blooms - metallic taupe/brown
  6. Bite Cin Cin - coral
  7. Bite Cava - lilac beige
  8. NARS Anita - warm rose
  9. YSL Caress Pink (9) - muted raspberry pink
  10. YSL Pink in Paris (13) - dried rose pink
  11. YSL Red Muse (17) - bright orange red
  12. Bite Apricot - warm red
  13. YSL Prune in Fire (18) - burgundy/wine
  14. YSL Violet Incognito (3) - dark violet
  15. MUFE N28 - (the best) purple (ever (I just wish it didn't smell/taste so bad))
  16. Bite 002 - purple pink
  17. Givenchy Rose Taffetas - light pink coral
  18. Givenchy Rose Dentelle - deep rose
  19. Givenchy Rose Perfecto - electric bright pink
  20. Givenchy Brun Vintage - muted rose
  21. Marc Jacobs Je’Taime - rum raspberry (1,000% the fault of the Sephora thread - I had no intention of venturing out into new brands lip-wise and now I'm in trouble!)
  22. Givenchy Rose Plumétis - pinky mauve

@Anneri I loved your St. Patrick's Day manicure!
@Medgal07 Goes and Goes is one of my favorites and I was so excited to see it on someone's list for the challenge!
@awickedshape you and Plum Attraction had me lol'ing while catching up! I hope you two have worked on your relationship because it looks so good on you!
@katred your month's end photo for February was awesome! I feel like I should keep a visual log for myself, too.

I'm going to come right out and say it: I'm probably going to fail at Blushing April but not without giving it a good try! Also can't believe I'm starting March's challenge so late but with ten days left, I will actually get to wear all of my palettes!
Hay Jay...always good to see you!!! Thanks for hanging in there and persevering with the challenge!!! I see you have a fondness for Givenchy lippies! Did you
happen to pick up the couture one in the floral bullet? It's # 205 Fuchsia Irresistible and boy is it lovely. I'll confess------the packaging really won me over!


Well-known member
LOL at Bedtime story. I totally understand. I should have started from the switching of plans two days before.
That was the other thing they didn't get. I was waving my arm around waiting for the tints to dry and they didn't understand why I was doing that or wipe my arm right away. LOL
So far, I love them, except for Jade . I'm not fond of that color. I haven't worn them on my eyes yet. I plan to tomorrow. If I get rid of this migraine.
Which ones did you get? I didn't get Jade, not because it isn't a pretty color---I just didn't think it would look good on me!


Well-known member
Hey ladies, a quick update on our makeup day.  So things got completely switched around, but it worked out.  It reminded me of why I don't plan things with certain friends.  BUT, I won't get into that.  I'll just say, appointments were made for 1 (laura mercier) and 130 (mac).   We ended up paying the $50 for the gift card and doing the MAC lesson at 6pm.   Which, I have to say,  worked out phenomenally.  My Mom and GF LOVED their teachers and lesson.  They looked BEAUTIFUL. My Mom had an idea of the look she wanted, and was able to practice her technique.  She even did a great job on her winged eyeliner.   When we got there  I tried taking her to Nars to show her the Audacious lippies, but she isn't ready for them.  They were too opaque and pigmented. She tried on Jeanne, which I might just go back and get for her. It was perfect on her.  So the MUA, who was so awesome, showed her a few other things and she decided on the Velvet Gloss pencil Happy Days. (which I might have to go get for myself)   I took her over to GArmani to see the eye tints, but she couldn't really get into them.  She just wanted to do her makeover and go from there.  Plus it was their trend show, and there was a lot going on.  She was like they are blow drying people's hair in the middle of the store.   So on to the lesson. I was so focused on getting them squared away, I didn't know what kind of look I wanted.  The young lady who working one me was good.  Not as much as a teacher as the other MUA's  but it was good.   However, I did learn, I've been putting my blush way too low.  she placed it higher closer to my eye and nose. I NEVER would have put it there, but talk about a chiseled face.   Contour? WHAT? Not needed.  Cheeks were on fleek  (couldn't help myself).  I LOVED it.  She used the Blue x9 palette on me and used Club and some other shadow in the quad, and lined the inner rim.  Two things, I don't know why I don't own Club, or why I don't line the inner rim. LIKE EVER. LOL  They put me in matchmaster 7, which at first was hella orange, but seemed to adjust and was really nice.  I might have to add it to the stash. On my mom, they used Amber lights, and the amber X9 quad.  They created a great everyday look for her.  Then when it came to the lipstick, she was unsure of what to do, but I mentioned how I wanted her in a bright matte.  So the MUA, chose All Fired Up, it was awesome, but too much for her.  So they put a gloss over it and she loved it, everyone did, they kept asking what it was. Some busybody know it all, was like that's not all fired up, you have on a liner. My mom was like,  yeah, I do.  So I had to step in and break it down for them. The line matched the lipstick, it was the gloss that toned it down. Anyway, I digress.   My mom has great skin, which she did not give to me, but she gave me the premature gray (WTF, why?) .  Like, I don't think my Mother has EVER had acne, and to be in her late 50's, there aren't any wrinkles.   So, for foundation they gave her NC 45 pro long wear concealer and get this, Refined Golden Bronzer for her powder.  It looked great.  But I questioned it, and the MUA  explained it will be fine b/c she has a lot of golden tones in her skin.  They also suggested the Natural radiance in yellow, and some eye primer I have never seen before.  Oh, can you believe, my Mom even said I could just give her MY All Fired Up... No my sister, you've got to get your own.  What I loved about her look is, it is the peachy golden e/s color, I've been wanting to put her in.  I did give her my $50 gift card so she wouldn't have to worry about prices. My friend looked great.  She had matchmastaer  7.5, BurgundyX9, and I don't remember the lipstick, but ended up getting All Fired Up, and Media as well.  They were sooo happy!  My work here is done!  *washing hands motion*  I will totally do the lesson again with them.  I like the X9 palettes, they are small, but I think they are awesome for travel, newbies, and to throw one in your purse. I might end up with them all.  I walked away with nothing, but the preorder I did with Armani.  I didn't really HAVE to get anything.  Oh Shars, they laughed at me for trying to get your swatches. The first time I went, they didn't have all the colors.  So I went back again ( a few are still missing).  They were like why, you got enough, why are you putting them on your arm. UM, No. I need them all.  They don't understand, yet. I forgot the numbers, but I can figure them out.  (ok, help me out ladies, I forgot)    From left to right...(1st pic)   1. obsidian, I don't remember the next two colors but I think it is 12 gold ashes, and 11 rose ashes.   10 senso, 7 Shadow,  6 Green Iron, 5 onyx 4 Emeraude, 3 Jade,  2 Menuit    I don't remember the first two. In order of left to right here is what I think they are:    11 rose ashes, 8 flannel, 6 green iron, 5 onyx, 9 gold copper,  7 shadow, 4 emeraude, this is either one or two I think 2 menuit, I think 10 senso.  sorry I forgot their names.
What a day! :-D


Well-known member
Today I used one of my remaining palettes, Wet n Wild Earth Looks Small From Down Here (my oft-repeated colour combination all in one) and MAC Crosswires lipstick
Not a good pic
This morning was two hours of traffic and I'm now fighting off a nasty headache. Hope everyone is well


Well-known member
Okay, So I am not a big fan of contouring whilst I love my bronzers! I have been using the bronzers along the edges of the face and above the hollow of the cheek (like the lower plain of the cheek) . I watched this vid yest (most of you must have seen it; the one by monsieuralex on diff between bronzing and contouring; well that was the first vid that came up while i did a search) and he placed the bronzer towards the center of the face! I tried it today and it actually looked good ?!! Maybe I was doing it wrong all along but the previous method didnt looks bad either! So Now I am confused lo! How do you guys like placing the bronzer???


Well-known member
Okay, So I am not a big fan of contouring whilst I love my bronzers! I have been using the bronzers along the edges of the face and above the hollow of the cheek (like the lower plain of the cheek) . I watched this vid yest (most of you must have seen it; the one by monsieuralex on diff between bronzing and contouring; well that was the first vid that came up while i did a search) and he placed the bronzer towards the center of the face! I tried it today and it actually looked good ?!! Maybe I was doing it wrong all along but the previous method didnt looks bad either! So Now I am confused lo! How do you guys like placing the bronzer???
I started doing this just recenlty. I didn't have a greyish bronzer/blush, so I was contouring with a taupe eyeshadow and then if I wanted to wear bronzer, I was applying it on the top of my cheeks and on my temples (in the summer, I also put some on my nose and blend it towards my ears (?) because no matter what I do, I always get sunburnt there, so it looks very natural on me). A few weeks ago, I bought the D&G Tan blush, which is taupe and I can't see how anyone would use it as a normal blush. The contour looks much better.
1-2 years ago, when I was contouring with bronzer, I was applying a straight thin taupe line in the hollows of my cheek over the bronzer, when I was going out, and it looked much more dramatic.

PS I'm watching the video atm and I used to use the exact same es until I bought Tan

PS 2 - I watched the whole video - I do put bronzer in the centre of my face like he does but I wouldn't connect the bronzer on my cheeks with the one on my neck - I think it would look dirty and weird


Well-known member
I started doing this just recenlty. I didn't have a greyish bronzer/blush, so I was contouring with a taupe eyeshadow and then if I wanted to wear bronzer, I was applying it on the top of my cheeks and on my temples (in the summer, I also put some on my nose and blend it towards my ears (?) because no matter what I do, I always get sunburnt there, so it looks very natural on me). A few weeks ago, I bought the D&G Tan blush, which is taupe and I can't see how anyone would use it as a normal blush. The contour looks much better.  1-2 years ago, when I was contouring with bronzer, I was applying a straight thin taupe line in the hollows of my cheek over the bronzer, when I was going out, and it looked much more dramatic.  PS I'm watching the video atm and I used to use the exact same es until I bought Tan :lol:  
Thank you!! Now that I tried it, it actually makes sense to me ! I actually liked it this way (not that I hated the other one or was looking for a new technique but this change looks good) !! I don't usually watch too many YouTube videos but I wanted to see how with this new contour trend , bronzers come into play!! My face is quite lean so I fail to notice a diff when I contour vs not! But I love bronzers! I think I am going to try out this way for a few days and see how it goes with diff looks!! Ps: that taupe blush looks like a really nice contour shade!!


Well-known member
Ps: that taupe blush looks like a really nice contour shade!!
I used to watch a lot of videos, when I was getting into makeup but now I just watch 2-3 channels. I see the biggest difference, when I contour my nose. I absolutely hate it, so I'm glad that I learned how to make it look nice
I love bronzers too and I have a pretty collection but I rarely use them because I'm afraid, that I'll make my face too dark in comparison to my body and I usually don't have time to apply bronzer to my chest area, arms, etc.


Well-known member
Okay, So I am not a big fan of contouring whilst I love my bronzers! I have been using the bronzers along the edges of the face and above the hollow of the cheek (like the lower plain of the cheek) . I watched this vid yest (most of you must have seen it; the one by monsieuralex on diff between bronzing and contouring; well that was the first vid that came up while i did a search) and he placed the bronzer towards the center of the face! I tried it today and it actually looked good ?!! Maybe I was doing it wrong all along but the previous method didnt looks bad either! So Now I am confused lo! How do you guys like placing the bronzer???
Hmmm, I haven't seen that video yet. I'll try to check it out when I get in tonight if it's not too late.


Well-known member
Hey ladies, a quick update on our makeup day. So things got completely switched around, but it worked out. It reminded me of why I don't plan things with certain friends. BUT, I won't get into that. I'll just say, appointments were made for 1 (laura mercier) and 130 (mac). We ended up paying the $50 for the gift card and doing the MAC lesson at 6pm. Which, I have to say, worked out phenomenally.
My Mom and GF LOVED their teachers and lesson. They looked BEAUTIFUL. My Mom had an idea of the look she wanted, and was able to practice her technique. She even did a great job on her winged eyeliner.
When we got there I tried taking her to Nars to show her the Audacious lippies, but she isn't ready for them. They were too opaque and pigmented. She tried on Jeanne, which I might just go back and get for her. It was perfect on her. So the MUA, who was so awesome, showed her a few other things and she decided on the Velvet Gloss pencil Happy Days. (which I might have to go get for myself) I took her over to GArmani to see the eye tints, but she couldn't really get into them. She just wanted to do her makeover and go from there. Plus it was their trend show, and there was a lot going on. She was like they are blow drying people's hair in the middle of the store.

So on to the lesson. I was so focused on getting them squared away, I didn't know what kind of look I wanted. The young lady who working one me was good. Not as much as a teacher as the other MUA's but it was good. However, I did learn, I've been putting my blush way too low. she placed it higher closer to my eye and nose. I NEVER would have put it there, but talk about a chiseled face. Contour? WHAT? Not needed. Cheeks were on fleek (couldn't help myself). I LOVED it. She used the Blue x9 palette on me and used Club and some other shadow in the quad, and lined the inner rim. Two things, I don't know why I don't own Club, or why I don't line the inner rim. LIKE EVER. LOL They put me in matchmaster 7, which at first was hella orange, but seemed to adjust and was really nice. I might have to add it to the stash.
On my mom, they used Amber lights, and the amber X9 quad. They created a great everyday look for her. Then when it came to the lipstick, she was unsure of what to do, but I mentioned how I wanted her in a bright matte. So the MUA, chose All Fired Up, it was awesome, but too much for her. So they put a gloss over it and she loved it, everyone did, they kept asking what it was. Some busybody know it all, was like that's not all fired up, you have on a liner. My mom was like, yeah, I do. So I had to step in and break it down for them. The line matched the lipstick, it was the gloss that toned it down. Anyway, I digress. My mom has great skin, which she did not give to me, but she gave me the premature gray (WTF, why?) . Like, I don't think my Mother has EVER had acne, and to be in her late 50's, there aren't any wrinkles. So, for foundation they gave her NC 45 pro long wear concealer and get this, Refined Golden Bronzer for her powder. It looked great. But I questioned it, and the MUA explained it will be fine b/c she has a lot of golden tones in her skin. They also suggested the Natural radiance in yellow, and some eye primer I have never seen before. Oh, can you believe, my Mom even said I could just give her MY All Fired Up... No my sister, you've got to get your own. What I loved about her look is, it is the peachy golden e/s color, I've been wanting to put her in. I did give her my $50 gift card so she wouldn't have to worry about prices.
My friend looked great. She had matchmastaer 7.5, BurgundyX9, and I don't remember the lipstick, but ended up getting All Fired Up, and Media as well.

They were sooo happy! My work here is done! *washing hands motion* I will totally do the lesson again with them.

I like the X9 palettes, they are small, but I think they are awesome for travel, newbies, and to throw one in your purse. I might end up with them all. I walked away with nothing, but the preorder I did with Armani. I didn't really HAVE to get anything.

Oh Shars, they laughed at me for trying to get your swatches. The first time I went, they didn't have all the colors. So I went back again ( a few are still missing). They were like why, you got enough, why are you putting them on your arm. UM, No. I need them all. They don't understand, yet.

I forgot the numbers, but I can figure them out. (ok, help me out ladies, I forgot)

From left to right...(1st pic) 1. obsidian, I don't remember the next two colors but I think it is 12 gold ashes, and 11 rose ashes. 10 senso, 7 Shadow, 6 Green Iron, 5 onyx 4 Emeraude, 3 Jade, 2 Menuit
remember the first two. In order of left to right here is what I think they are: 11 rose ashes, 8 flannel, 6 green iron, 5 onyx, 9 gold copper, 7 shadow, 4 emeraude, this is either one or two I think 2 menuit, I think 10 senso. sorry I forgot their names.
your day sounds like it went extremely well!
it's great that you guys were introduced to new products/techniques that you like...i love when that happens at makeovers.

i tried to quote your post but it's gone...pretty look - i like how cross wires looks on you. out of curiosity, did you use a lipliner or other product with it? i'm trying to figure out how it might read on me.... :)


Well-known member
Okay, So I am not a big fan of contouring whilst I love my bronzers! I have been using the bronzers along the edges of the face and above the hollow of the cheek (like the lower plain of the cheek) . I watched this vid yest (most of you must have seen it; the one by monsieuralex on diff between bronzing and contouring; well that was the first vid that came up while i did a search) and he placed the bronzer towards the center of the face! I tried it today and it actually looked good ?!! Maybe I was doing it wrong all along but the previous method didnt looks bad either! So Now I am confused lo! How do you guys like placing the bronzer???
I often alternate between the two, but I also use my bronzer over my cream contour product.


Well-known member
On Monday I wore MAC Smoked Cocoa e/s quad and just realized how many time I've worn a smokey eye this month. My lipstick was MAC Velvet Teddy.


Well-known member
Oh Pretty!! Sounds like you guys had such a special day! I'm glad your mom was able to venture out of her comfort zone and ended up liking it. I'm glad you commented re the X9 palettes too. I want to check them out in person.

And LOL @ what you went through to get me swatches. You're so precious! I may have to add Green Iron as well to my list. Emeraude looks amazing against your skin as does Green Iron and Shadow!

Meddy you broke your rule... When in doubt buy both! Lol. At least VV is permanent so it'll always be there for another haul. I've liked all the swatches of the Fallen Angel palette but I have so many similar shades already lol. Half of me is convinced that I mainly want it for the stars embossed on the shadows.

Oh I hope you start to feel better so you can play with your goodies. Which eye tints did you end up getting in the end?

Oooh very pretty. I love that shade of green with your lippie!! The colour in the inner tear duct is pretty too and I love the baby wing lol.
Hmmm, I haven't seen that video yet. I'll try to check it out when I get in tonight if it's not too late.
The swatches were no trouble at all. I can't wait to hear what you think of the CT palettes.

From the eye tints I ended up with 1 Obsidian, 5 Onyx, 6 Green Tint, and 11 rose ashes.

AWS, I love that combo. I'm going to do something similar tomorrow.

Aradhana, it was very cool to learn something new. I kinda want to do another one. LOL

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