Hello ladies! It's been ages since I've been here!!!! Hope you all had a great Christmas and a fab start of 2016. We went to Shanghai for the first time on Jan 1st, and I returned on Sunday. Sadly I destroyed my iPhone while I was there, so I couldn't even get on IG, and don't get me started with internet access in China. But anyways, we managed to find a nice apartment and we'll move in around 6 weeks (eek). I hope that the internet situation will be easier once we have highspeed internet with a good vpn client at our home.
I didn't really see much of Shanghai this time - the days were quite filled with house hunting and things like opening bank accounts and such, but of course I went around to scout out the nailpolish and makeup situation (which is quite bleak, tbh, because anything is extremely expensive and the drugstores there are a far cry from our drugstores here!). But I'll have a Sephora in the same building where our new apartment is.

But all high-end brands (and even L'Oreal is considered a high end brand there) are about 25% more expensive than here.
I'll have to stock up on everything while I'm still here!
Makeup-wise I've had some really boring weeks. I always did really quick, basic looks, especially last week while I was in Shanghai, and nevertheless I wore more makeup than nearly everybody there. When I saw girls wearing makeup they always followed the last Asian trend closely - glowy skin, glossy, lightly coloured lips and only eyeliner/mascara on the eyes. Nearly nobody wore nailpolish - I felt like an alien from outer space!
I've missed you all! Where is Meddy these days? Even when I was lurking I haven't seen her!