There's a sucker born every minute...


Well-known member
K so as I was searching for Twig Twig l/s on eBay, I came across this horrible, fake Heatherette lipstick in 'Twig' - WTF?

~MAC~Heatherette Collection~Twig Soft Muted Brownish - eBay (item 280363800536 end time Jul-26-09 15:22:00 PDT)

But wait! It gets better! I checked out their horribly poor feedback (90% rating) to see if others could tell:
eBay Feedback Profile for krzyace

It would seem that not only are they a peddler of other heinous MAC fakes, but they've also successfully sold a "Diamond" for $2200 and Tiffany jewelry as well! I just cannot believe how stupid some people are-- and the person that bought the "diamond" bought it when the seller had 0 feedback! Why would you do something like that??!


Well-known member
What kind of color name is "Twig Soft Muted Brownish-Pink"? If you are going to sell fakes, at the very least try to be more creative than that!


Well-known member
Hilarious and sad at the same time. Based on the two negatives this person knows they're selling fakes, but is of course pretending not to know. And buying a diamond on ebay? I won't purchase anything from someone that has zero feedback, not even toilet paper.


Well-known member
Today I went to my local market to get some cloth for something and there was a guy selling some MAC Hello KittIE makeup.

Someone asked him if it was real and he said that "he picked it up himself from the MAC factory", I had to butt in and tell the girl that MAC Hello Kitty packaging was not yellow and Kitty was spelt with a Y and not an IE..the clever git at the "counter" said that they were factory seconds because of the spelling mistake.


Well-known member
They have 17 positives ALL for fake items...what is the world coming to? I wish ebay would do something about it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RedRibbon
Today I went to my local market to get some cloth for something and there was a guy selling some MAC Hello KittIE makeup.

Someone asked him if it was real and he said that "he picked it up himself from the MAC factory", I had to butt in and tell the girl that MAC Hello Kitty packaging was not yellow and Kitty was spelt with a Y and not an IE..the clever git at the "counter" said that they were factory seconds because of the spelling mistake.

Red ,problem is that you cannot educate some people!
They will buy fakes regardless of what you say,I mean MAC quality control is very strict and they don't to seconds ,as far as Im aware ...maybe someone who is in the"know" can correct me ..

Spelling errors usually occur because counterfeiters 1st language is not english!I don't know where you are based Red,but in UK,i have seen this very interesting annuncement from Snide UK"
Counterfeiting steals the originality, investment and hard work of creators, industry
and retailers, threatening jobs and avoiding taxes which would fund new schools and hospitals.
Fakes are not safety-tested and are of inferior quality, posing risks to consumers.
Legitimate traders and retailers suffer because markets and car boot sales are a magnet for the 'retail' end of the fake trade.
The lovable rogues fronting this evil trade are just the tip of a very nasty iceberg.
The profits made from fakes fund other serious organised crimes worldwide,
including drugs, guns and people-smuggling, making law enforcement's job​
increasingly dangerous."
I have seen it lots of times especially on ebay,where buyers tend to buy the fake MAC etc,because(but not always) the genuine seller of authentic MAC prices are sometimes like a pound or so more ,so they will go for the "cheaper fake option!Words fail me !



Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
K so as I was searching for Twig Twig l/s on eBay, I came across this horrible, fake Heatherette lipstick in 'Twig' - WTF?

~MAC~Heatherette Collection~Twig Soft Muted Brownish - eBay (item 280363800536 end time Jul-26-09 15:22:00 PDT)

But wait! It gets better! I checked out their horribly poor feedback (90% rating) to see if others could tell:
eBay Feedback Profile for krzyace

It would seem that not only are they a peddler of other heinous MAC fakes, but they've also successfully sold a "Diamond" for $2200 and Tiffany jewelry as well! I just cannot believe how stupid some people are-- and the person that bought the "diamond" bought it when the seller had 0 feedback! Why would you do something like that??!

Abby !Feedback alone would prevent me from buying from this seller

I cannot believe the stupilidity of some of the buyers ...the design of the blush looks like something you would use in your lavatory cystern !His DSR's are very poor to say the least and he is still trading!



Well-known member
I really hate these types of threads where people call the buyers suckers and what not. You need to realize most people are not MAC addicted like us. Most people have no idea what Specktra is. Most people have no idea what MUA is for that matter. How on earth are they supposed to know what is fake or what isn't? Especially if they are not makeup addicted as we are.
And at this point, it's getting hard for even us here at Specktra to distinguish a fake or not.
So instead of putting the blame on the buyers, maybe try to put the blame on the sellers where it belongs. The sellers know that they are selling the fakes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Did she still buy it? Who buys mac where you buy fabric supplies and thinks it's a good idea?

She was adamant re. buying it but her mum said that someone who "had applied her makeup as well as she had (she meant me which was nice
) would know if makeup was fake". Her mum won out and they left it. The guy had a few choice words for me but I wasn't going to sit back and let him bad mouth me when he was the one breaking the law.

Having said that, there are a few people who put up stalls selling home made, organic bath scrubs and lipbalms but they come with proper labelling so I assume that's why he tried his luck.

Originally Posted by BellaItalia1969
Red ,problem is that you cannot educate some people!
They will buy fakes regardless of what you say,I mean MAC quality control is very strict and they don't to seconds ,as far as Im aware ...maybe someone who is in the"know" can correct me ..

Spelling errors usually occur because counterfeiters 1st language is not english!I don't know where you are based Red,but in UK,i have seen this very interesting annuncement from Snide UK"
Counterfeiting steals the originality, investment and hard work of creators, industry
and retailers, threatening jobs and avoiding taxes which would fund new schools and hospitals.
Fakes are not safety-tested and are of inferior quality, posing risks to consumers.
Legitimate traders and retailers suffer because markets and car boot sales are a magnet for the 'retail' end of the fake trade.
The lovable rogues fronting this evil trade are just the tip of a very nasty iceberg.
The profits made from fakes fund other serious organised crimes worldwide,
including drugs, guns and people-smuggling, making law enforcement's job​
increasingly dangerous."
I have seen it lots of times especially on ebay,where buyers tend to buy the fake MAC etc,because(but not always) the genuine seller of authentic MAC prices are sometimes like a pound or so more ,so they will go for the "cheaper fake option!Words fail me !

I don't know why he thought I would believe that lame excuse, why would MAC of all brands accidentally manufacture some makeup with a wrong spelling? Plus it's not like Kitty is a hard word to spell or that it's spelt in a certain way..I don't know who he's trying to kid. I live in South London and the guy was a cockney and he said he got the makeup from a reputable wholesaler. I don't think so buster.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BellaItalia1969
Abby !Feedback alone would prevent me from buying from this seller

I cannot believe the stupilidity of some of the buyers ...the design of the blush looks like something you would use in your lavatory cystern !His DSR's are very poor to say the least and he is still trading!


Yuck! That makes me sick! If any legitimate makeup company used that packaging I would run the other way! Very much a deterrent to wanting to buy it-- and we all know how important packaging can be in selling a product

Originally Posted by dangerousmuffins
I really hate these types of threads where people call the buyers suckers and what not. You need to realize most people are not MAC addicted like us. Most people have no idea what Specktra is. Most people have no idea what MUA is for that matter. How on earth are they supposed to know what is fake or what isn't? Especially if they are not makeup addicted as we are.
And at this point, it's getting hard for even us here at Specktra to distinguish a fake or not.
So instead of putting the blame on the buyers, maybe try to put the blame on the sellers where it belongs. The sellers know that they are selling the fakes.

I think that if it had just been horrible fake MAC that this person was selling, I'd have rolled my eyes and been like, whatever. But the fact that someone bought a diamond when the seller had 0 feedback, and other things, was what got me the most. I don't feel sorry for buyers who are careless like that. Sorry. For example, if I were on the market for a Tiffany's bracelet, I would do my research to make sure I didn't buy a fake one on ebay. So while I think peddlers of fake product are horrible and I definitely don't condone them, I don't think they will ever go away completely. In fact it will probably get worse. Thus, consumers have to get educated about what they're buying, even down to the smallest things like makeup! If they don't care to be educated, then I do not feel bad.

Another example I saw on LJ the other day was a lot of 24 mac eyeshadow palettes that were obviously fake-- the auction ended at $435!! I just know that if I were throwing down $435-on ebay, no less- I would be very very certain that I was getting a legitimate product.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by RedRibbon
She was adamant re. buying it but her mum said that someone who "had applied her makeup as well as she had (she meant me which was nice
) would know if makeup was fake". Her mum won out and they left it. The guy had a few choice words for me but I wasn't going to sit back and let him bad mouth me when he was the one breaking the law.

Having said that, there are a few people who put up stalls selling home made, organic bath scrubs and lipbalms but they come with proper labelling so I assume that's why he tried his luck.

I don't know why he thought I would believe that lame excuse, why would MAC of all brands accidentally manufacture some makeup with a wrong spelling? Plus it's not like Kitty is a hard word to spell or that it's spelt in a certain way..I don't know who he's trying to kid. I live in South London and the guy was a cockney and he said he got the makeup from a reputable wholesaler. I don't think so buster.

Lol Red,i too live in S.London,and have come across this type of "Del Boy "seller,they were few of them around Xmas,selling some rancid looking perfums which were mispelt but were meant to be Armani "Diamonds" ,D&G" Light blu" etc,the actual packaging would have put me off,the scent was nothing like the real thing but the sellers "cockney geezer banter" was so false and totally off fact im positive seller had slight northern accent!!At least Del Boy had certain charisma
not too mention that I condone sales of counterfeits!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dangerousmuffins
I really hate these types of threads where people call the buyers suckers and what not. You need to realize most people are not MAC addicted like us. Most people have no idea what Specktra is. Most people have no idea what MUA is for that matter. How on earth are they supposed to know what is fake or what isn't? Especially if they are not makeup addicted as we are.
And at this point, it's getting hard for even us here at Specktra to distinguish a fake or not.
So instead of putting the blame on the buyers, maybe try to put the blame on the sellers where it belongs. The sellers know that they are selling the fakes.

Dangerous,but if it were not for the demand ...those sellers would not be able to sell these fakes.There's such thing as using your loaf or having common sense ...reading feedback before purchase,reserching etc,etc!
This particular seller is simply just praying on naivety of buyers and of course he has succeded...The Links of London auctions ...would alone ring bells in my head !!!

Also it is nothing to do with MAC addiction but simply being sometimes cautious and if it too good too be true............


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BellaItalia1969
Dangerous,but if it were not for the demand ...those sellers would not be able to sell these fakes.There's such thing as using your loaf or having common sense ...reading feedback before purchase,reserching etc,etc!
This particular seller is simply just praying on naivety of buyers and of course he has succeded...The Links of London auctions ...would alone ring bells in my head !!!

Also it is nothing to do with MAC addiction but simply being sometimes cautious and if it too good too be true............

I think that most people that buy makeup at a reasonable pace will be cautious, but asking, for example, to have my fiancee pick out a fake item or a legit item - he couldn't. And just because he couldn't, doesn't mean he doesn't have common sense, just means that he is not knowledgeable about cosmetics.
There is no excuse for not reading feedback or buying crazy ass diamonds.
But I just have seen so many threads that posters call buyers names and the blame never really gets put on the right people.
Yes, you can say that the demand for these sellers are great and that is why there are so many fakes. But it really just brings me back to my point where I said that most people aren't like us here on Specktra and I think that idea gets lost sometimes.


Well-known member
Muffins,i do know what you are trying to convey

The major fault IS with sellers who try to con others into buying these crappy fakes and then get all nasty when you leave them negative and make other did happen to me with my fake MAC mascara

Ebay is just a venue,most of the time sellers of genuine makeup,get restrictions on how many designer brands they can sell but i have seen so many times,blatant fakes listed on over 25 auctions,same item etc,which i thought you were only allowed to list up to 15 of the same thing...and yet nothing but nothing gets done..
Prime example is this :Mac FAFI waterproof liquid eyeliner
Item number: 300329245638she has over 28 auction of the same type !
and on BIN she has 9 available some unlucky sod bought 1!Seller on ebay UK: