things that make you go hmmm...


Well-known member
And wtf, who are these parents!?
Who were THEIR parents?
Like how were these people raised?!?!

This is so sick.
Its hard enough being a teenager and being in school, and facing ridicule for not being perfect. Those kids will be sitting in school in social studies class or history class, learning about Nazi Germany and doing reports on it, and they will learn all about Adolf Hitler, and they will look over at that boy and he will face intense ridicule and be the butt of much hatred and jokes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IDontKnowMomo
Wait, what??? The father said he named his son that because nobody else in the world would have that name. Awkward D:

That sounds like bullshit. That's his "excuse". And unfortunately, I hear there are people with that name in other countries..


Well-known member
I work for the state agency (division of youth and family services) that removed these children from their home in january. in new jersey
DYFS has got a lot of bad press stating this kids were removed for only their names. I wrote a long letter to a radio station that regularly bashes us explaining that it is a confidential matter, and that there had to be other issues. the kids had to be at imminent risk to be removed from the home.
i just find it so amazing that the media is so against our agency and taking kids, that in this situation they are siding with the white supremisists ASSUMING they are good parents , and assuming the kids were removed for no real reason


Well-known member
Poor kid..


Well-known member
glad those kids finally got taken into care. and the alcoholic these ppl are INSANE. i hope the kids can get their names changed.


Well-known member
the parents will have the chance to get their act together, and if in around a year they are still incapable of caring for the kids their rights will be terminated. Then if the kids get adopted those adoptive parents can change their names.


Well-known member
in Canada...or at least in Ontario, I think there are laws against naming your children certain things. I know a case where an aboriginal child was named "Violence" and the hospital reported it to Children's Aid. They took it to court, they ruled in favour of Children's Aid and the boy was re-named his middle name. My cousin's name is Blade I guess it's all relative.