Thinking about applying


New member
Hi everybody, I have a few questions about working at Sephora.

The first on is, What is their dress code? Is it just all black or do they require a specific black pant or shirt? Would nice black jeans work? Can you wear open toed heels or flats?

The second thing is, how young do they hire? Or is it different at every Sephora?

The last thing is and it might kind of sound shallow but in no way do I mean it that way but, even if you are a cashier or beauty consultant (sorry cant remember what it is called) or any other position do you still get Gratis? What would be the best time to apply?
I do not not want to be a seasonal worker.

Thanks to anyone who can answer my question! I really appreciate it!!


New member
Sephora actually just got all new cast costumes (uniforms) which will launch this Friday. It is very specific and you must wear what they give you. Black jeans are unacceptable and so are open toed shoes.

I'm not sure what your asking about how do they hire? Most of the time you go in looking nice with an application and a resume and ask for a manager. Turn it in and if you wow them they'll call you later to sched a group interview. Do well in that and they'll call you for a one on one. And then after that you're hired.

Everyone that works there gets gratis. Some gratis is "all-cast" meaning every employee gets it, and some is for specific departments (makeup, skin care, fragrance only). best time to apply is now! haha. apply asap! and good luck :)