Thinking about applying...


Active member
Update: I spoke with the Counter Mgr. yesterday and she thanked me for being patient and told me that her manager is moving to our region, and that's why it's taken so long. She said that she told her all about me, and that she's going to try to arrange something by mid-month which is next week or the week after...
Woot! Woot!


Active member
Thanks for all of the encouragement...I have my phone interview with the Regional Manager in about two hours....I'll have to take an early lunch, but I am sooo excited...and nervous! When do the nerves go away?! I've been reviewing all of the questions that I've seen on the posts....I'll keep ya updated!!!


Active member
I talked to my regional manager and told me that she thinks that I would do well as a Freelancer, while I'm working full time at my regular 9-5 job!! She said that they would get the paper together and give me a call to let me know when to come in and fill it out...SOOO EXCITED!!!

bad girl glam

Well-known member
Originally Posted by CandyApples83
I talked to my regional manager and told me that she thinks that I would do well as a Freelancer, while I'm working full time at my regular 9-5 job!! She said that they would get the paper together and give me a call to let me know when to come in and fill it out...SOOO EXCITED!!!

congrats! I applied recently and i just called the counter and the manager told me that they forward the applications to their regional office. do you know anything about that or what is means? i don't have the regional number to bug anyone. that sucks!


Active member
Well usually they forward your paperwork to the regional manager b/c he or she will interview you at some point as well. Usually, it's best to call the counter every so often to "follow up" on the status of your application/resume....that's what most of the members on here did....


Well-known member
Sounds like you had a great (yet long process). Congrats. I think freelancing for MAC would be very cool.

I just gave my application/resume to a friend who is in her final interview process. She knows the regional very well, so we shall see what happens as far as I am concerned.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VioletB

If I've learned anything in my ripe old age of 27.. it's to be persistent, never give up, and good things DO happen to those who wait!! I'm leaving Estee Lauder right now to go work for MAC. I'm so happy and so sad all at the same time!!

This is off topic but I have to interject and say I LOVE your signature, lol! too cute


Active member
I'm an on-call/freelancer for MAC, finally!!!

Oct. 18th will be my first day as a on call/freelancer at MAC! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I need to find a price list to memorize! I know there's one around here somewhere. I think that I saw it once, does anybody know where it is?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CandyApples83
Well usually they forward your paperwork to the regional manager b/c he or she will interview you at some point as well. Usually, it's best to call the counter every so often to "follow up" on the status of your application/resume....that's what most of the members on here did....

What is the difference between the regional manager and the recruiter? Mine got foward to the recruiter. Who is there during the demo and who has the "last say" to move on?