Third graders plot teacher attack...


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Did third-graders plot teacher attack? - Crime & courts -

WAYCROSS, Georgia - A group of third-graders plotted to attack their teacher, bringing a broken steak knife, handcuffs, duct tape and other items for the job and assigning children tasks including covering the windows and cleaning up afterward, police said Tuesday.

The plot involving as many as nine boys and girls at Center Elementary School in south Georgia was a serious threat, Waycross Police Chief Tony Tanner said.

School officials alerted police Friday after a pupil tipped off a teacher that a girl had brought a weapon to school. Tanner said the students apparently planned to knock the teacher unconscious with a crystal paperweight, bind her with the handcuffs and tape and then stab her with the knife.

"We did not hear anybody say they intended to kill her, but could they have accidentally killed her? Absolutely," Tanner said. "We feel like if they weren't interrupted, there would have been an attempt. Would they have been successful? We don't know."

The children, ages 8 to 10, were apparently mad at the teacher because she had scolded one of them for standing on a chair, Tanner said.

Arrests made
Two of the students were arrested on juvenile charges Tuesday and a third arrest was expected. District Attorney Rick Currie said other students told investigators they didn't take the plot seriously or insisted they had decided not to participate.

"Some of the kids said, 'We thought they were just kidding,'" Currie said. "Another child was supposed to bring a toy pistol, and he told a detective he didn't bring it because he thought he would get in trouble."

Currie said the children are too young to be charged as adults, and probably too young to be sentenced to a youth detention center.

Police seized a steak knife with a broken handle, steel handcuffs, duct tape, electrical and transparent tape, ribbons and the paperweight from the students, Tanner said.

Currie said he decided to seek juvenile charges against two girls, ages 9 and 10, who brought the knife and paperweight and an 8-year-old boy who brought tape. He said all three students faced charges of conspiracy to commit aggravated assault, and both girls were being charged with bringing weapons to school.

Disciplining the nine
Nine children have been given discipline up to and including long-term suspension, said Theresa Martin, spokeswoman for the Ware County school system. She would not be more specific but said none of the children had been back to school since the case came to light.

The purported target is a veteran educator who teaches third-grade students with learning disabilities, including attention deficit disorder, delayed development and hyperactivity, friends and parents said.

The scheme involved a division of roles, Tanner said. One child's job was to cover windows so no one could see outside, he said. Another was supposed to clean up after the attack.

"We're not sure at this point in the investigation how many of the students actually knew the intent was to hurt the teacher," Tanner said.

He said the teacher told detectives the children involved weren't known as troublemakers.

"You can't dismiss it," Tanner said. "But because they are kids, they may have thought this was like a cartoon — we do whatever and then she stands up and she's OK. That's a hard call."

'Considered pretty good kids'
The parents of the students have cooperated with investigators, who aren't allowed to question the children without their parents' or guardians' consent, he said. Authorities have withheld the children's names.

Martin told The Florida Times-Union of Jacksonville, Fla., that administrators would follow school system policy and state law in disciplining the students.

"From what I understand, they were considered pretty good kids," Martin said. "But we have to take this seriously, whether they were serious or not about carrying this through, and that's what we did."

Four mothers of other third-grade students at Center Elementary called for the immediate expulsion of the suspected plotters.

Stacy Carter and Deana Hiott both cited school system policy stating that any student who brings "anything reasonably considered to be a weapon" is to be expelled for at least the remainder of the school year.

"We don't want our children around them," Carter told the Times-Union. "The one with the knife could have stabbed my child or someone else's child at lunch or out on the playground."

"This is an isolated incident, an aberration. ... We have good kids," Center Principal Angie Coleman told the newspaper.


Well-known member
I just heard this on the radio...I just can't believe, wait I can believe this. I have to say most parents today are just not "parents", I am sorry if that offends anyone but that is my opinion. There has been bad parenting in past generations, but back in the 50's if some snot nosed kid disrespected an adult (not their parents) the man or whoever would scold that child and tell them they need to respect their elders and that would be that. That shit just wont happen now.
I don't know if that made sense, I am just soo irritated with how parents aren't parenting and letting there kids run around being little terrors without punishing them at all because it might "hurt there feelings..."

This is just sad...



Well-known member
I have chills. My daughter is in school and this is just mind boggling.This is serious and it needs to be taken serious. How did the kids get the knife and handcuffs? Where were the parents. Don't they pack there bookbag? My kid know's at the age of 5 that you don't play with knives.these kids need to be evaluated and so do the parents. '' Good kids'' don't do that. What is going on kids are plotting against teachers, kids are getting raped in school and school buses. No where is safe anymore


Well-known member
Grr, some children are just demon spawn! I agree that some parents just don't parent, they let their children get away with everything and then don't understand why things like this happen. This is incredibly sad, what is going on in this world?


Well-known member
I blame video games and tv. There are a lot of violent games for kids to play with and that makes them think it's ok to grab a knife because they have done it while playing this video game.
They also watch tv without adult/parent supervision, there are shows out there which are not suitable for kids to watch. These programmes and video games makes them think it is ok to do such things.

I remember when my brothers were hooked on wrestling (WWF and WCW) , like 10 years ago and they used to try and copy the wrestlers moves on each other. it is really dangerous because kids don't know right from wrong and they just copy whatever they see on tv because they think it is ok.

Also unsuitable cartoons such as Pokemon, a few kids have lost their lives because they were trying to "fly" like a Pokemon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I blame video games and tv. There are a lot of violent games for kids to play with and that makes them think it's ok to grab a knife because they have done it while playing this video game.
They also watch tv without adult/parent supervision, there are shows out there which are not suitable for kids to watch. These programmes and video games makes them think it is ok to do such things.

I remember when my brothers were hooked on wrestling (WWF and WCW) , like 10 years ago and they used to try and copy the wrestlers moves on each other. it is really dangerous because kids don't know right from wrong and they just copy whatever they see on tv because they think it is ok.

Also unsuitable cartoons such as Pokemon, a few kids have lost their lives because they were trying to "fly" like a Pokemon.

More than a few kids have been hurt trying to fly likes Superman, swing like Spiderman, and leap like Daredevil, but I don't think the shows should be removed.

I think the kids today need to be taught empathy and compassion, and the instinct to identify with the human condition.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
More than a few kids have been hurt trying to fly likes Superman, swing like Spiderman, and leap like Daredevil, but I don't think the shows should be removed.

I think the kids today need to be taught empathy and compassion, and the instinct to identify with the human condition.

And to be disciplined, so they know if they do something bad, there are consequences. Remember when you and your friends would have a bone-headed idea and the thought of your parents finding out actually made you change your mind?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
And to be disciplined, so they know if they do something bad, there are consequences. Remember when you and your friends would have a bone-headed idea and the thought of your parents finding out actually made you change your mind?

Don't get me started on discipline and kids. I'm probably harder on my kids discipline and expectation wise than most people are, but those same people are super shocked when my kids are around them because my kids are respectful...

Yeah, they do dumb stuff, but that's part of growing up...they still have to make mistakes, but not like some of the kids I see around here do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Don't get me started on discipline and kids. I'm probably harder on my kids discipline and expectation wise than most people are, but those same people are super shocked when my kids are around them because my kids are respectful...

Yeah, they do dumb stuff, but that's part of growing up...they still have to make mistakes, but not like some of the kids I see around here do.

Oh, I know you are all about discipline, that's why I wrote that..ha ha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Oh, I know you are all about discipline, that's why I wrote that..ha ha.

Well, I mean, I let my kids have fun, and I let them be kids, in that they get to ride gokarts and they make ramps and skateboard and stuff like that, but I'm pretty hard and fast when it comes to being disrespectful to adults and acting out and making good decisions and what not. As a result, my kids are usually pretty good at making decisions that show at least some semblance of common sense. Most of the time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Well, I mean, I let my kids have fun, and I let them be kids, in that they get to ride gokarts and they make ramps and skateboard and stuff like that, but I'm pretty hard and fast when it comes to being disrespectful to adults and acting out and making good decisions and what not. As a result, my kids are usually pretty good at making decisions that show at least some semblance of common sense. Most of the time.

I was the same way with the ex's little girl. She could have fun, but she also knew what was appropriate at the given time...well, most of the least when she was with me.


Well-known member
Sometimes I just really fear for our world, because these are the kids that will be the "adults" in charge of it someday. God, I really hope not...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
To think when my mother was growing up, their idea of revenge was messing up (spilling stuff type messing up) the kitchen of the home ec room, because they didn't like their teacher. They were also 15 or so, IMO, it was pretty mild. Imagine what kind of revenge these kids will think up at age 15 if that's what they're thinking up at 8


Well-known member
I have a 2 year old and I was scared of when he was going to get to junior high and highschool but omg, 3rd graders. This is so sad. I don't understand this world. Everyone is so crazy. People need to be more involved with their kids, instead of letting tv and things like that be the parents. This is just ridiculous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
More than a few kids have been hurt trying to fly likes Superman, swing like Spiderman, and leap like Daredevil, but I don't think the shows should be removed.

I think the kids today need to be taught empathy and compassion, and the instinct to identify with the human condition.

We can't simply blame television or the media because if parents are usually the ones allowing their children to watch it or not caring enough to know otherwise.

I really agree with you, especially on being taught empathy and compassion because that is how my mother raised me. Although she was certainly not as disciplined as you are, she raised me with the right morals to make the right decisions on my own. I've always enjoyed the freedom that she has given me (freedom that other people would end up doing damage with) but I know that I have gotten it because I earned it by making right choices on my own.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
More than a few kids have been hurt trying to fly likes Superman, swing like Spiderman, and leap like Daredevil, but I don't think the shows should be removed.

i think it's the parents' job to teach their kids reality from make believe.

but wow this is just crazy. my daughter is only one, and it makes me scared to have to send her to school one day. but i hope i'll make a good person out of her, through hard work and patience of course.

it's also crazy that a lot of girls were involved. i didn't know girls could think of such violent thoughts as well. (just my opinion) i guess that means daddy will have to stop playing his call of duty 4 in front of my daughter soon or when she's old enough to understand what it is.


Well-known member
Children are way too suggestible... it only takes one bad kid to make everyone else behave badly at that age. people should really take a look at who their kids are befriending... scary stuff.