This is sick! I cant believe what some ppl can do


Well-known member
I got it from I just wanted to post it in case the link gets deleted

3 Charged With Murder in Ga. Boy's Death

By RUSS BYNUM, Associated Press Writer

document.write(getElapsed("20070322T030618Z"));4 hours ago
SAVANNAH, Ga. - A convicted child molester and his father took turns sexually assaulting a 6-year-old boy while the molester's mother watched, then they choked the boy to death, according to an indictment issued Wednesday. The indictment charges all three family members with murder and child molestation in the slaying of young Christopher Michael Barrios, whose body was found last Thursday inside a trash bag dumped by a roadside.
District Attorney Stephen D. Kelley said he will seek the death penalty against 32-year-old George David Edenfield, who has a prior child molestation conviction from 1997, and his parents, David and Peggy Edenfield.
"This is one of the most horrific crimes that I have seen in 21 years of prosecutions," Kelley said.
Christopher went missing for a week before police found his body about three miles from his trailer park home outside Brunswick, a Georgia port city 60 miles south of Savannah. The suspects lived in a mobile home across the street from the boy's grandmother.
The indictment contains grim details about the case that police and prosecutors had not previously revealed. It says Christopher died from asphyxiation March 8 _ the day he was reported missing _ after the suspects choked him while "ignoring his complaints that they were hurting him." The indictment does not say which of three caused the boy's death.
It also claims George Edenfield and his 58-year-old father sodomized the boy and forced him to perform oral sex while Peggy Edenfield watched and masturbated.
"They deserve the worst, for them to torture my son like that, every last one of them," said Mike Barrios, the slain boy's father.
A friend of the Edenfield family, Donald Dale, was indicted on charges of concealing a death and tampering with evidence. Kelley said Dale did not become involved until after Christopher had been killed.
Nathan Williams, the attorney for 57-year-old Peggy Edenfield, declined to comment Wednesday. Attorneys for George and David Edenfield did not immediately return phone calls.
Glynn County police arrested the Edenfields four days after the child vanished while playing alone outside. Police Chief Matt Doering said all three suspects confessed to playing roles in the boy's abduction.
Police have said Dale admitted to investigators he helped the Edenfields dispose of Christopher's body.
Other charges against the Edenfields include false imprisonment, cruelty to children and enticing a child for indecent purposes.
Police have described George David Edenfield as mentally slow, but not retarded and capable of understanding right from wrong.
Ironically, the Edenfields moved into the trailer park where Christopher lived last year because of a Georgia law intended to keep child molesters away from children. Sheriffs' deputies told George Edenfield in September that he had to leave his home near downtown Brunswick because it was too close to a playground. Georgia law prohibits registered sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of schools and other places that draw children.
His family went to live in the trailer park in October after George Edenfield was arrested for failing to move as ordered. He pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to probation March 5, three days before Christopher disappeared.
George Edenfield was required to register as a sex offender after he pleaded guilty in 1997 to molesting two boys, ages 7 and 9. Prosecutors said he rubbed his clothed body "in a sexual manner" against the boys, who also were fully dressed. He was sentenced then to 10 years on probation.
His father, David Edenfield, pleaded guilty to incest in 1994. He was accused of having sex with an adult relative who was not his son.


Well-known member
I hope they all get the Death Penalty!
I wish they Get exacty what they did(if they dont get it and end up getting prison time) to that poor baby boy!, and they will cuz that crap dont fly in prison !


Well-known member
THis is horrifying, the more I think about it after I read it the more horrified I become. THat poor child, poor innocent child.
Those were bad men, convicted bad men, and the mother did nothing to protect her child. She participated and got sexual enjoyment from his abuse and demise. These are sick twisted people. Makes you wonder why the bio dad didn't rescue that poor kid from that situation before his death.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I read about this little boy on another site, it’s so tragic. Some of these situations could be avoided if laws were changed. I don’t believe in rehabilitation of child sex predators; they should be imprisoned for a minimum of 25 years, and if the child is maimed or killed, life in prison, w/no possibility of early release for good behavior in any situation.

In this particular case this is a family of sexual deviants who obviously have no boundaries, and they should all be given the death sentence. They are a bunch of worthless trash w/nothing positive to contribute to this earth, so why spend the money to feed & house them in jail. Actually I do believe the should spend a couple of years in jail before execution so that they can get the crap beat out of them for a while by the other inmates.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ZLoves2Shop
I read about this little boy on another site, it’s so tragic. Some of these situations could be avoided if laws were changed. I don’t believe in rehabilitation of child sex predators; they should be imprisoned for a minimum of 25 years, and if the child is maimed or killed, life in prison, w/no possibility of early release for good behavior in any situation.

In this particular case this is a family of sexual deviants who obviously have no boundaries, and they should all be given the death sentence. They are a bunch of worthless trash w/nothing positive to contribute to this earth, so why spend the money to feed & house them in jail. Actually I do believe the should spend a couple of years in jail before execution so that they can get the crap beat out of them for a while by the other inmates.

i disagree^^^ im all for death sentence but i feel as though child molesters/killer hell even child abusers shouldnt get the easy way out they should spend more than a couple of years geting beat down and raped/violated they need to spend life in prison geting the shit beat out of them and then some...inmates arent the only ones that rape/ beat people in prisons, correction officers do it the chic involved wont have it easy either

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
THis is horrifying, the more I think about it after I read it the more horrified I become. THat poor child, poor innocent child.
Those were bad men, convicted bad men, and the mother did nothing to protect her child. She participated and got sexual enjoyment from his abuse and demise. These are sick twisted people. Makes you wonder why the bio dad didn't rescue that poor kid from that situation before his death.

i had to go back and read again after reading your post.. i dont think it was the boys family/mother..i belive it was the mother of the molester who watch.. correct me if im confused


Well-known member
oh yes. It's all over the news here in GA.

It's repulsive and I pray to god they do get the death penalty.

There is no excuse for that and obviously "giving them a second chance" didn't work. And if they are put away they are still wasting air.

These are bad horrible people and they need to die. Then let a higher judge (ie God) decide what he wants to do with them.

as my marines would lovingly tell me one day (as a joke more or less)- it's Gods job to forgive its our job to arrange the meeting. I hate to say it but yeah we need to start arranging a meeting right now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
i had to go back and read again after reading your post.. i dont think it was the boys family/mother..i belive it was the mother of the molester who watch.. correct me if im confused

You are right. The people who violated this poor little boy were not related to him in any way, just people who lived in his neighborhood.

Personally I hope the Dad goes "A Time to Kill" on them all.

And the people who think that scum like this can be "rehabilitated" should be the ones that are forced to live next door to them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamdoll
It also claims George Edenfield and his 58-year-old father sodomized the boy and forced him to perform oral sex while Peggy Edenfield watched and masturbated.
"They deserve the worst, for them to torture my son like that, every last one of them," said Mike Barrios, the slain boy's father.

The mother and father (David and Peggy) charged are the parents of the convicted child-molester (George). Mike Barrios is the father of the victim (Christopher) and biologically unrelated to the rapists/murderers.

They are just... sick. I can think of no other words, it's that disgusting.


Well-known member
THis made me sick not only because of the nature of the crime,
but because I have a son. and I cant imagine anyone trying to hurt him!
I feel bad wishing death upon them, but there is nothing else
that can rid this world of ppl like them. Its just like "once a cheater always a cheater" I dont think people can change

and his parents are equally disgusting for letting him do this. As a mother I cannot imagine seeing my son hurt someone else, someone innocent and just sit there..

I dont know but these ppl deserve the death penalty and I hope they get it. I can only imagine the fathers pain. God bless his family.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I feel bad wishing death upon them, but there is nothing else
that can rid this world of ppl like them.

In some sense, death is such a kind treatment to these horrible people. According to friends who worked in prisoners, child molesters are at the bottom of the jail food chain. They would be abused like crazy, especially considering the nature of these crimes.

I think some people maybe can change, but given the nature of these crimes, I don't think that they're among them.

his parents are equally disgusting for letting him do this.

His parents probably abused the molester. It sure sounds like it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
In some sense, death is such a kind treatment to these horrible people. According to friends who worked in prisoners, child molesters are at the bottom of the jail food chain. They would be abused like crazy, especially considering the nature of these crimes.

If these people get life in prison with no chance of parole, then I am totally ok with them not getting the death penalty. It is when these people are released to prey on the innocent public that I get really angry. If they get convicted and receive a sentence with the possibility of parole, I hope they spend every day in jail in absolute misery and then get shanked the day before their release.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
i disagree^^^ im all for death sentence but i feel as though child molesters/killer hell even child abusers shouldnt get the easy way out they should spend more than a couple of years geting beat down and raped/violated they need to spend life in prison geting the shit beat out of them and then some...inmates arent the only ones that rape/ beat people in prisons, correction officers do it the chic involved wont have it easy either

Unfortunateley, they typically keep child molestors in protective custody in jais and seperated from the general population. Because of what happens to them when they are included in the general jail population.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
If these people get life in prison with no chance of parole, then I am totally ok with them not getting the death penalty. It is when these people are released to prey on the innocent public that I get really angry. If they get convicted and receive a sentence with the possibility of parole, I hope they spend every day in jail in absolute misery and then get shanked the day before their release.

I'm personally a fan of torture when it comes to crimes like these, but it's unfortunately considered cruel and unusual


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
THis is horrifying, the more I think about it after I read it the more horrified I become. THat poor child, poor innocent child.
Those were bad men, convicted bad men, and the mother did nothing to protect her child. She participated and got sexual enjoyment from his abuse and demise. These are sick twisted people. Makes you wonder why the bio dad didn't rescue that poor kid from that situation before his death.

The woman involved (the one who watched and allegedly masturbated during the crime) was not the victim's mother...She was the mother of the molester/murderer/sicko....It makes it no less horrific though...A woman is supposed to have a 'motherly' instinct. She should be drawn and quartered.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Unfortunateley, they typically keep child molestors in protective custody in jais and seperated from the general population. Because of what happens to them when they are included in the general jail population.

thats in jail^^ in prison its fair game, the officers will look the other way.. death row is another story they are escorted every where by two officers and in a cell alone. the reason they protect them in jail is so they can stand trial, after that i dont think they really give a shit


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Unfortunateley, they typically keep child molestors in protective custody in jais and seperated from the general population. Because of what happens to them when they are included in the general jail population.

I say they should get put in they can get torn to shreds by the other inmates who despise child mosleters....normally, I wouldn't get so worked up over things, but this just really gets under my skin.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I'm personally a fan of torture when it comes to crimes like these, but it's unfortunately considered cruel and unusual

Totally agree...most definitely in this case.