There was this guy I was dating right before my frehsman year of college. We were going to different schools, but still in the same state. He promosed to stay together and blah blah blah.
This was before cell phones were popular so I had to use a calling card or an account used for my dorm room to make calls. My dumbass would call him using my account never thinking that I would get a bill for these calls. I would come home from frat parties, drunk and calling him (wow the birth of my notorious drunk dialing). He would never, ever call me. He would rarely IM me on AIM even. Well, I paid like $50 in gas to go and see him at his school. I brought him gifts and crap and thought this was going to solidify things and make him a better BF and make an effort. This was about 3 weeks into school. I get to his school and he's hangin out with a "friend." Bitch was wearing a neon green thong and felt the need to show all of us. The BF was like, "this is my friend Cara...she also has a long distance BF so we're here for each other". Hmmmkayyy...
Well I broke up with him a week later over the phone but always had a suspicion about this girl. So lil ole crazy me made a fake AIM screen name- Triangleb00bs (because HE had bitch tits). And basically pretended to hit on this girl to see if she had a bf and suprise suprise she bf. Triangleb00bs got nosy and asked when they began dating and oh- they began while he and i were still together.
Well jokes on them.
1. He had BOOBS!!!
2. He gained like freshman 50 (hey i gained freshman 15 but he just kept adding and adding)
3. He couldnt GET IT UP!!!!!!
4. He gave me a dirty hemp necklace as a goodbye gift for when we went away to college. It smelled like BO. Nasty pig!
Yes this was 2001- I am happily married but I still laugh at my stalkerish ways.
Oh yea and for that magic, mysterious phone card...I got a bill in the mail for $75 for phone calls. Momma wouldnt pay so I had to get a job working in food services at my college!!! EWWW!!!