Tips for handling "difficult costumers"?


Well-known member
I usually see myself as really helpful, patient and understanding when I'm at work but there are some costumers that I just can't stand and who end up taking way too much of my time because I apparently don't know how to handle them.

Last time I was at work, at women came in with her daughter and asked me to try the products on her that her daughter usually used. Their skin types were completely different so I tried to suggest something that would match her skin better but she wouldn't listen to me no matter what - she just wanted to "look like her daughter with the same products that she uses".

I ended up spending about 45 minutes with her because she wanted "skin like her daughter's" and wanted me to try 324987219502398 different products - but not the ones I suggested. And she ended up saying: "I really like how you applied this!" (The product I started out by suggesting that she wouldn't have me put on before I had showed her how awful everything else looked) "Could you write down the names for me?"

Now, I know that usually I could ask the costumer to play around with the products herself but that's pretty rude when she just asked me to match her for a foundation (even if it's the 10th foundation she's trying)...

How do you handle costumers like these? Any secret tips or tricks? I seem to really need them, 'cus I'm always the one who gets costumers like these, lol


Well-known member
I am not a MUA but I have alot of experience handling people I think in a situation like that you should start off by giving the person your opinion and if they still insist then you do what they want. Sometimes people need to see things for themselves. It also depends on how you express your opinion even though you might be right sometimes you may come across as if you are not really sure of what you are saying. Either way it goes people can be difficult and I think with time you would learn how to manage such situations so I wouldnt worry about it if I were you


New member
It sounds to me like you handled the situation incredibly well. Some people are just extremely insistent no matter what you say or do. I say keep doing what you are doing and the answers will definitely come to you


Well-known member
I think you handled the situation well. There will always be customers like that. She had unrealistic expectations & was expecting a miracle. When she should have just listened to your advice. I get them all the time. Usually it's a much older woman asking me to make her skin look like mine. I usually start out by telling them that I can't make her skin look like mine, but I can suggest products to make her own skin look great. Some will listen, others just insist on me giving them exactly what I am wearing, even though it's clearly not the right product for them. And all you can do is be patient & try to make suggestions. Which is what you did
Either they will listen or they won't. I have always done customer service type jobs & what I have learned is.....No matter how great you are at customer service, you will never be able to please everyone. There are some people who nobody can make happy. All you can do is your best & think about the great customers & forget about the unhappy negative ones.


Well-known member
I agree you did everything right. It most cases trying a bit of color on them just so they can see it doesn't look the same is enough... then they ask for your recomendations. But there are those customers out there that just have something locked in their heads and are not willing to give it up... even if it is so wrong for them. You'd think that they would listen, given that you are the expert... but sometimes it takes 45 mins to get your point across.