Tips for your make up resumme/cv and portfolio...


Well-known member
I thought I would start this thread as I am re-writing my cv/resumee and couldn't find any make up cv tips. It's obviously a slightly different job than an office job so you need to reflect that in your cv. Does anyone have any tips they would like to share with regards to a make up/freelance or cosmetic counter cv/resumee and portfolio...?



Well-known member
I'd really appreciate some advice too. Thanks


Well-known member
I need help with this too if anyone is willing to help.

The advice I can offer though is to use the "keywords" that they use in their ad and/or website. So if their job ad is asking for "dynamic" and "focused" individuals, then use those words, without just copying everything that they have said.- eg. you could say that you have a dynamic personality, and that you are focused on achievement, or something like that.

Hope this helps! I also hope to see this thread grow!