Tips on how to help when you're in labour/giving birth!!


Well-known member
Hey everyone!
I wanted to ask those who have had babies already or those who have been a birthing partner...
What can I do to help my sister in any way while she is going through labour and giving birth?

She's having her second baby in March and I've asked her if I can be in the delivery room since I wasnt able to when she had her first baby. Her husband will also be there so I know he'll be taking care of her already.

I remember feeling helpless when I saw her having contractions the with the first baby- I just had to watch her go through all this pain while my bro-in-law tried to help soothe her. eek scary stuff! everyone's saying i'll be put off having kids if I watch the baby come out but i dont care i think its a beautiful miracle and of course this baby is my own blood and I love being a Tia!!

My cousin said it helped when our Aunt gently rubbed her back in labour. What else can i keep in mind?

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Awww, that's really great that you want to be with your sister. Those who are saying that it was make you sway from having kids are either just joking, or just plain ignorant. It is scary to watch, because someone you love is going through a lot of pain, but it really is a beautiful thing and when you see your sister holding her new baby and the joy on her face, the fear will subside

Rubbing her lower back will definitely help. Also, labor can be very loooong so it'd be good for her to have things to occupy her time and help her cope with some of the pain. Maybe you could ask her if she'd like you to be in charge of packing and taking things like an MP3 player, or if she doesn't have one of those, a radio; CDs, magazines, maybe she likes candles. Anything that's safe but soothing would be really good.

When she's in active labor, the only suggestion I can make is to not yell at her or talk down to her if she expresses that she can't do something. I've heard of and seen relatives try to encourage laboring women but really it sounds like yelling and exasperation LOL Just stay as calm as you can, because she's feeding off of your temperment just as much as you are off hers.

Yayayayyayayaay! I just had to throw that in. It's an exciting thing. Best of wishes for ALL of you!


Well-known member
My suggestion is just to stay calm and not smother her. I remember with my first daughter I was in so much pain and my poor mom was trying to help me out but I just wanted to be left alone. I ended up screaming at her to leave me alone. Luckily, she's been there so she understood that I really didn't mean it. My husband was holding my hand and even then, I felt better just hanging on to the rails of the bed for dear life. Some things that did help was ice (while the epidural worked, it was my savior) and my husband talking about the ultrasounds and the things we had picked out for the baby.

Everyone's experience is different so you just have to wait and see. I wish you and your sister all the best and you are right, it is a beautiful miracle!!


Well-known member
i agree with the above post, when ur in that much pain, u need to just breathe and focus urself, u cant deal with people(who u know are feeling no pain like urs at the moment lol) in ur face every 2 seconds.i'm like this, i couldnt have any1 but my boyfriend with me because of it. and i think it's best not to yell things like pusssh! lol i really just needed the room as peaceful and quiet as possible!

tell her every so often that it will be over soon, and at this time tommorow she'll be holding her lil baby nice and warm in bed!


Well-known member
thanks for all your tips ladies and all the best wishes me and my sis just sat together reading your replies with big smiles on our faces =)


Well-known member
remain calm, rub her back, let her lean on you when standing, if she can shower or sit in bathtub she might like the water pressure of the showerhead on her back, tell her postive things and that she is doing a GREAT job! tell her how much you believe in her!

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