Tis (almost) the Season...What are your picks for the Scariest Films???


Well-known member
i love the Saw's and i cannot wait for the new one. and the Hills Have Eyes 1 & 2 were pretty good too. they scary me but i love them!


Well-known member
The Exorcist
The Shining (original Jack Nicholson version)

You would have to chain me to a chair to get me to watch these again. I don't even know how I got through them the first time, but I was still very young when I watched them (I was like 10, and home alone with my older sisters), so they disturb me moreso because of that, I think.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
It's weird: I think I'm one of the few people I know who isn't scared by this film. My mother was raised Catholic, and when she saw it (she was 15) she was up with the lights for weeks. I appreciate it as a good-albeit really long-film, I'm just not creeped out by it. I feel almost left out

Same here. The Exorcist didn't seem like a scary movie to me at all. My Best friend is TERRIFIED by this movie, I just don't understand.