To all my hairy ladies...


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Seventh grade. Gym class gave me a horrible opportunity to discover and compare my hairy ass legs to other gals. I was 13. I went home that night and DRY shaved with my mom's razor and marvelled at the change the next day in gym. NEVER EVER EVER dry shave. I swear that's why my legs are so dry all the time - that one time just ruined them for life.


Well-known member
I don't exactly remember when exactly I realized I was hairy.. more like the kids started teasing me.
It was absolutely horrible.
Just the worst ever.
My parents didn't let me do anything about it till 6th grade I could only shave the pits.
My legs weren't allowed to be touched until 8th grade (thank god for cream removers my mom despises razors)
And then when I hit highschool I just did whatever.
It was horrible though. Kids are mean and I've had so many problems because of their teasing. Let your kids do what they have to. It's better for them to learn the right way young than to shave off their eyebrows on their own.


Well-known member
I started shaving around age 11 or 12. But as for my brows and lip I was in my early 30s before I started having them waxed. My mom just wasn't into make-up and all the girly stuff so I just never knew better. I started taking my daughter to get her brows waxed when she was about 11, in sixth grade. She's 19 now and just starting to get some fine hairs around her lip that are bothering her so next waxing trip that will be taken care of as well. I wish I had had more help in this area when I was younger.


Well-known member
This is an old thread but i totally relate so i'm gunna post!

I am super hairy and I have been since I was like 11 years old. Yeah, the kids made fun of me too, and it really hurt. Now I am still self conscious about it because I am seriously hairier than any woman on this green earth! I have fair skin and black hair all over

If she has any hair on her face definitely do what you can for her. I know you said you have facial hair too, and so u can feel the pain. i wish my parents had paid for laser for me when i was little but we couldn't afford it. Sigh, I guess I just wanted to vent.


Well-known member
I know how t was for me so when my daughters get to that point i will make sure i take the to get it taken care of. i know my middle one is going to be hairy. poor thing.
my mom didn't believe in those types of thing but i do. i get critized my my in law that my girls can't get waxed until they are 18 yeah right. and listen to this no shaving till then either.


Well-known member
I don't think I started properly shaving my legs until I was about 13/14. I was super self concious about being the only girl in my year with full leg hair! My parents told me I couldn't start shaving because they couldn't afford to buy me razors so I had to wait until birthdays and if I got a bit of money, use that to buy razors.


Well-known member
Irish mom + Mexican dad = white girl with DARK hair

My mom bought all the shaving necessities for me when I was about 11, but I was too scared to use them! Until one day in 7th grade, I heard some girls walking behind me say “Eow, look how hairy her legs are!” I went home and shaved them that dad. I started “cleaning” my eyebrows at 12! Middle school kids can be the cruelest! I think you should take her to wax her eyebrows!


Well-known member
I would have to say I'm blessed to have generally pale hair. The hair on my legs isn't very noticeable and takes me ages to grow it out so i can get it waxed. Though the hair on my upper/inner and back thighs is dark as and grows so fast, I had shaving them because it gets prickly and hurts to walk. I've used creams and they just sting so I'm gunna some how get some courage and get them waxed with my bikini line.... its just trying to trim them thats gunna be a bitch, they're long but very spares (sp?). It's also the same for my bikini line... though not long just annoying to trim... again shaving and creams just aren't right for me. I even find after trimming it can be uncomfortable to walk. I'm a waitress so I walk alot, unfortunately I have to choose the ability to walk over neatness down there.

ARG I hate body hair lol.


Well-known member
I noticed some hair on places I didn't want/expect it after mixing two kinds of birth control pills like 5 yrs ago, it's really crap, I was desperate so I used friends pills, so sorry I did that now! think I'm gonna get those removed for good with laser when I stop spending my money online
for now I just pluck them out!