To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
I'm gonna buy me some Nars MU for my birthday next week and I'ma deffo try out Albatros, keep hearing raves on it.

Its nice to have a desi thread... thats one thing I miss at work, we get ALOT of nw20s and the odd south asian rarely so I dont get to rave abt colours that suit us (which is pretty much everything!).


Well-known member
Yes def agree Dirty Plum! and you won't be dissapointed with Albatros.

I am really glad to have other desi inputs, suggestions, recs etc. If anyone is in the nj/ny areas, I would love to meet up!


Well-known member
Does any of you have desert rose or ambering rose blush? Which one of them should I get?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animacani
Does any of you have desert rose or ambering rose blush? Which one of them should I get?

Both are gorgeous! But if you want to start with one - I'd recommend desert rose.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by csdev
Both are gorgeous! But if you want to start with one - I'd recommend desert rose.



Well-known member
hey Zerin! Do you think you could take a picture of desert rose blush? i have searched for pics of swatches and stuff but cant find any =(


Well-known member
Ok ladies,

another question - I have myth, hug me, angel, i really need freckletone??? What is the color payoff on our complextion, I am nc 42 btw.

Thanks in advance!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ndn-ista
Ok ladies,

another question - I have myth, hug me, angel, i really need freckletone??? What is the color payoff on our complextion, I am nc 42 btw.

Thanks in advance!!!

I was at Mac yesterday and saw both Jubilee and Freckletone....both are very similar. Jubilee is in beige pink while Freckletone is in beige yellow and both are lustres...they looked pretty much the same on you're


Well-known member
I'm loving this thread soo much!! Thanks for all the info girls! Dirty Plum you give great advice i want to come and visit your counter! You'll probably get sick of me cause i'll be hanging there everyday LOL.

you all.


Well-known member
You ladies make me so happy
Damn my makeup obsession is being helped along here eh?
Thanks for the swatches Zerin! It looks gorj!
Ndn-ista, you are a doll!! kisses

Animacani, Me and you race ok? lets see who ends up caving and buying that Desert Rose first lool
Dirty Plum, spanks so much for your MA/expert help and recs! Wish you were at my counter
Love you allllll sorry if I forgot to mention a name..


Well-known member
and my lovely Nunu, everytime I see your avatar makes me smile

Cocolicious!! my fellow team boobs member!! Big shout outs to allll of you lovelies..
SOooo I've noticed lately, with the hurrying in the morningness I havent been doing colorful looks lately..
omg am I turning into an old lady?? I seriously never thought I'd be one of bobbibrown types? you know what i mean?? like I just couldnt bring myself to buy mocha or twig l/s the other day coz in my head it looked way too "auntie" LOL I know, I am crazy..


Well-known member
ALSO, lol I am so dissapointed with my I have large-ish eyes but they're hooded
so no real crease...its sooo hard to do eyeshadow looks..
I've tried Nireyna's technique from youtube..its ok I havent mastered it quite yet...and its TIME CONSUMING and the results on me are meh at best...any recs for tutorials or any advice? I've seen some of Celly's tutorials on here but shes deleted most of them :S TIA!!


Well-known member
everyone here should go out and buy the warm pigment set! and then wear them all together, at the same time. I got over excited... but keep looking at my eyes!

Sold abt 3 freckletones today... and kept thinking of this thread lol!


Well-known member
OH oh ohhhh please post pics!!
hahaha Ye-ah thats how we brown ppl work...We spread the word hahaa what city do you work in?


Active member
Hello all! I am back with the same stupid question..but this time I experimented so I had something to report with!

I put Urban Decay Primer Potion on my eyelid, then lined the upper eye lid of one eye with Mac fluidline, then lined the other eyelid with bobbi brown gel eyeliner. Then I applied some mac select moisture cover concealer in NW35 under my eye. Approxiamately 3 hours later, the BB one had smeared or "traveled" to under my eye, mostly around the outer corners. And about 4 hours later the Mac one had done the same. Not as bad as the BB but nonetheless still smudged to the bottom.

What am I doing wrong??​


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya
and my lovely Nunu, everytime I see your avatar makes me smile

SOooo I've noticed lately, with the hurrying in the morningness I havent been doing colorful looks lately..
omg am I turning into an old lady?? I seriously never thought I'd be one of bobbibrown types? you know what i mean?? like I just couldnt bring myself to buy mocha or twig l/s the other day coz in my head it looked way too "auntie" LOL I know, I am crazy..

Awww that's sweet!! And FYI you are not turning into an old lad you look stunning in your avatar! And nooo twig is beautiful (it is too dry on me for some reason) But i prefer Twig Twig to it; it's creamier but it's LE
it came out with the originals in Jan08.

Originally Posted by Ziya
ALSO, lol I am so dissapointed with my I have large-ish eyes but they're hooded
so no real crease...its sooo hard to do eyeshadow looks..
I've tried Nireyna's technique from youtube..its ok I havent mastered it quite yet...and its TIME CONSUMING and the results on me are meh at best...any recs for tutorials or any advice? I've seen some of Celly's tutorials on here but shes deleted most of them :S TIA!!

OMG I LOVED CELLY's toots as well, but don't worry she is coming back in January!!

My fave youtubers are Zerin (ofcourse, i think i'm her biggest fan! i totally jump when i see a new tutorial from her!), makeupbyrenren, makeupgeek, jennisesmakeup (LOVE), powpowbaby. I have a huge list lol..i love beautyallure (aka lipshock here) but she removed her vids too

Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
everyone here should go out and buy the warm pigment set! and then wear them all together, at the same time. I got over excited... but keep looking at my eyes!

Sold abt 3 freckletones today... and kept thinking of this thread lol!

I bought the warm pigment set and can't wait to try it!! How do you wear it??

Well done on selling 3 Freckletones!!

I went to the MAC counter yesterday and whilst looking at the blushers i kept thinking about this thread. I wanted to buy a blusher so bad but i didn't know which one to go for. I really wanted Blossoming cremeblush but it was out of stock
even as a refill. I know it's getting discontinued and maybe that's why it was out of stock.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Awww that's sweet!! And FYI you are not turning into an old lad you look stunning in your avatar! And nooo twig is beautiful (it is too dry on me for some reason) But i prefer Twig Twig to it; it's creamier but it's LE
it came out with the originals in Jan08.

OMG I LOVED CELLY's toots as well, but don't worry she is coming back in January!!

My fave youtubers are Zerin (ofcourse, i think i'm her biggest fan! i totally jump when i see a new tutorial from her!), makeupbyrenren, makeupgeek, jennisesmakeup (LOVE), powpowbaby. I have a huge list lol..i love beautyallure (aka lipshock here) but she removed her vids too

I bought the warm pigment set and can't wait to try it!! How do you wear it??

Well done on selling 3 Freckletones!!

I went to the MAC counter yesterday and whilst looking at the blushers i kept thinking about this thread. I wanted to buy a blusher so bad but i didn't know which one to go for. I really wanted Blossoming cremeblush but it was out of stock
even as a refill. I know it's getting discontinued and maybe that's why it was out of stock.

Aw , too bad they didnt have blossoming =( Its gorgeous!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animacani
hey Zerin! Do you think you could take a picture of desert rose blush? i have searched for pics of swatches and stuff but cant find any =(

This is a comparison of Mac Desert Rose to Nars Outlaw Blush. Outlaw blush has shimmer in it while desert rose is matte.
(With Flash)


Mac Desert Rose Blush Nars Outlaw Blush

On NC 42/43

Sorry the pics did not come out as good.

Originally Posted by Ziya
and my lovely Nunu, everytime I see your avatar makes me smile

Cocolicious!! my fellow team boobs member!! Big shout outs to allll of you lovelies..
SOooo I've noticed lately, with the hurrying in the morningness I havent been doing colorful looks lately..
omg am I turning into an old lady?? I seriously never thought I'd be one of bobbibrown types? you know what i mean?? like I just couldnt bring myself to buy mocha or twig l/s the other day coz in my head it looked way too "auntie" LOL I know, I am crazy..

LOL @ Auntie Ji lipsticks! haha...honestly Twig is a really pretty colour and so is Mocha!! Try Mocha first with a gloss on top...I'm sure you'll like's not an aunty ji colour!!!

Awww....Nunu....I'm so touched....I lubh you very much too! You ROCK!
I miss your fotds as well...It's been ages!!

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