To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Active member
Yea I use the spot treatment weekly when I feel something coming. And I generally spread a small amount over my chin 2-3 times a week as I tend to break out there a lot. It does a great job of preventing the pimple from surfacing.

If the pimple has already started forming, the spot treatment can still work well but it will take a little time for it to go (2-3 days as opposed to 5-7) but it will reduce swelling and redness. But to avoid acne altogether, I just dab a little on whenever I think a pimple might be forming to zap it before it gets started.

As far as blush, I think I'm going to Sephora today to play around. I'll stop by Mac and check out Gingerly though since you both recommended it. It's so hard to find things that complement my skin tone now that I'm so in between shades. I went from an NC40 to an NC42 and now I'm a C6. I'm definitely excited to try NARS though - and I've heard good things about Lovejoy before. I swatched Orgasm on my hand once and didn't get the hype. Maybe I'll try it again on my cheeks to see what it really looks like.

Anyone else? I hear Taj Mahal is supposed to look amazing on Indian skin.

Thanks for the tip ladies. I'll definitely keep you posted. SO glad I found this site :)


Active member
So I went to Sephora yesterday. They didn't have Crazed or Taj Mahal for me to try out but they did have Orgasm and Lovejoy. I really liked Orgasm on my hand even though it seemed really light and of course when I tried some on my cheeks, it didn't even show up.

I ended up getting Lovejoy which is like a bronzed pink. I need something more pigmented to show up against my skin. I guess since it's so uneven, those nice sheer shimmertones really don't stand out. Anyway, I like Lovejoy but I don't love it. I ordered Taj Mahal & Crazed online last night so maybe I'll like one of those better. Sephora has such an awesome return policy so I'll just return whatever I don't like.

I did go to MAC but forgot to check out Gingerly. But one of the MA's told me that MAC is coming out with their new collection, "Chill", tomorrow so I'll be going back to check that out.

I swear, I was never into make-up until a few months ago. Now I'm obsessed and I'm on the eternal quest to perfecting a flawless, natural face.


Well-known member
I wouldnt buy / recommend Nars Orgasm unless you want to use it as a highlighter. Go for Deep Throat instead. Nars Isolde and Kalahari eye duos are pretty fab too. Nars is my second fave brand...

Laura Mercier the third.

MAC Gingerly, for me isnt all that. I had it, but sold it. Its too orangy bronze for me and therefore not to be used as a contour and too much as cheek blusher. I would recommend Margin over that.


Well-known member
I use my orgasm over another blush, because it has shimmer it stands out more. I usually use my MAC creme blush in Fancy Ray (LE I think) and then sometimes Gingerly or Orgasam over it.

I could see Gingerly being too orangey for some. I used to have Coppertone, but I returned that because it was way too orangey for my likings. Margin is nice too, shimmery i believe, and i wanted something more matte.

What about Melba? A lot recommened that here, I got it, I think it is okay, still worthy enough to keep. Maybe you will like it more. It is in the whole Peachy/Pinky family.

I love my X- rocks blush from the Neo collection. It is out of my peachy/pinky blush colors, closer to lovejoy, without the gold shimmer. its gorg. I believe it can be compared to Fab blush from the Barbie Collection.

So, more and more I use my Paint Pots, I love them. I only have indian wood and rubensque...but i love the formula, and how quick u can get a beautiful eye. I want to get other colors, what other colors do u guys recommened?


Well-known member
Yep Margin is sheertone shimmer. If you want a matte bronze colour, I would just go for one of the MAC bronzers like Refined Golden. I have heard Nars Laguna (?) is sposed to be a good one...

I prefer Peaches to Melba. In fact, I love Peaches.

I have the following MAC blushers - I'm gonna have to post pics of my ridiculously huge MA traincase soon. I still have a bag of free staff products sitting in my room totally untouched!

Beauty Powder blushes
Stark Naked

Fleur power
Breath of plum
Plum Foolery
Cantaloupe (pro)
Brit Wit creme blush

Smile - Raquel
Fab - Barbie
Hipness - Fafi
Fashion frenzy - Fafi
Plum DBois - CoC
Spaced Out - NSF
Nuance - Mineralize

I have italicised the ones I recommend for desi girls!


Well-known member
^^^ Girl, I have Refined Golden and Nars Laguna too. I really love Nars now that I think of it. I have some stuff, but I usually stay to MAC as much as I can cause I am a MAC pro member and get their discount
which helps out quite a bit with my wallet.

Great lady, now I am going to have to look at some of those blushes you mentioned. Ahhh! lol. j/k i love all the help and suggestions here.

Oh well, makeup makes me super happy, and no one wants a mean Roshni (that's my name btw), believe me. haha. my ex used to see me start sucking my teeth and rolling my eyes, and be like i will be right back, run to the mall by me and get me some MAC stuff, and I would go back to normal lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ndn-ista
^^^ Girl, I have Refined Golden and Nars Laguna too. I really love Nars now that I think of it. I have some stuff, but I usually stay to MAC as much as I can cause I am a MAC pro member and get their discount
which helps out quite a bit with my wallet.

Great lady, now I am going to have to look at some of those blushes you mentioned. Ahhh! lol. j/k i love all the help and suggestions here.

Oh well, makeup makes me super happy, and no one wants a mean Roshni (that's my name btw), believe me. haha. my ex used to see me start sucking my teeth and rolling my eyes, and be like i will be right back, run to the mall by me and get me some MAC stuff, and I would go back to normal lol.

HAHA too cute


Hi everyone! *passes out kajal to everyone* I've been visiting Speckta on and off and must say, I have been coming back much more just to read this thread! It's wonderful to find a place where we can find other women with similiar skintones and get suggestions/feedback. I'm such a MU addict, its not even funny! It's actually quite embarassing...I don't think anyone knows exactly how much I have; I don't even think I know exactly.

In anycase, thanks to all who have contributed to this thread and hope it continues!



Well-known member
LOOL you guys are so cute...I know Roshni, I always make the same face..all my bf's were trained to recognize the signs of a total meltdown LMAO of course, the smart ones would lead me to the mall
hehe has anyone noticed how most men think stepping into or staying in a MAC store for too long makes them look bad? IDK why I've had some guy friends and exes who either refuse to go in or get antsy when MU shopping with me.. LOOOL
Love the blush recs dirty plum ty you soo much! Vivsha, welcome to madness hehehe DW we're all just as effin in love with MU as u are <accepts kajal graciously and proceeds to apply liberally to waterline>
I'll take my time to check out Chill coz it looks lamerz lol only wana see the Penultimate liner but its perm hurry


Well-known member guys are too cute!!!! *hugs* back

Welcome Vivsha! I accept the kajal very proudly too.
We are total MA addicts's crazy. I love this thread as well. I keep coming back. I feel like I BELONG!!! lol

To be honest, I don't meet many desis who are so much into makeup like the people on this thread. So I feel very connected here. Most just do the typical daily kajal thing and they wear eyeshadows or like the "whole makeup deal" only during special occasions like weddings. I know you gotta give time to all this. I feel we should explore our choices and not just do the typical.

Anyways....I love the great suggestions by DirtyPlum...You're awesome!!!
Thank you!


Well-known member
No worries guys, happy to share my recs and experiences with you

Likewise Zerin, I dont know any other desi girls who are seriously into their MU so have had to spend ALOT of time and money on products figuring out which ones work. I know believe, I am there (but that doesnt stop me buying!).

LOL at the "whole makeup deal" at weddings - youre right, it really is all or nothing with some ppl. What I really struggle with is when girls at weddings are wearing the nicest suit but they have meticulously matched their eyeshadow to the suit - I mean like every single colour from the suit, unblended
. And then the pink stripes on their cheeks (or none at all) and dark lipstick (which they believe makes them look fairer!

I have seen a couple of your looks Zerin, mashallah very pretty!


Well-known member
hii my loverss...

honestly, i feel the same way. everyone around where i live asks me how i do my makeup and to teach them. im like yo homies, u need to have the love for it first lol. i use every color, especially when i go out, i love to do different eyes. and i feel that i really take my time to research and study it, and im very passionate about it. i want to take more steps to work at MAC or with a MUA. I have been approached by MAC MUA to inquire about working there and etc, but I don't know. I already have a hectic schedule with working in corporate and going back to school for my MA, but I think that I really need to start making some moves. Afterall, it is MAKEUP, no matter what I have to make time for my lover. heheh..

oh and *flys like superMACwoman to get the kajal* I loveeee eyeliner and kajals. thankyou


Well-known member
Thanks for the kajal vivisha

ndn-ista i think you should maybe get a part time job during week ends? I'm suew they would want a hand because counters and stores are so busy during christmas times.
I've been approached by a MAC mua yesterday she was asian, she asked me if what i'm wearing on my eyes were MAC products and if so which ones were they, i was so happy

I agree with DirtyPlum, zerin knows make up, you've come a long way since the eve/c shock fotd!! And you know how glad i am that you are on youtube and that you are posting fotd's here again!

to you all. I'm glad we have this thread.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
No worries guys, happy to share my recs and experiences with you

Likewise Zerin, I dont know any other desi girls who are seriously into their MU so have had to spend ALOT of time and money on products figuring out which ones work. I know believe, I am there (but that doesnt stop me buying!).

LOL at the "whole makeup deal" at weddings - youre right, it really is all or nothing with some ppl. What I really struggle with is when girls at weddings are wearing the nicest suit but they have meticulously matched their eyeshadow to the suit - I mean like every single colour from the suit, unblended
. And then the pink stripes on their cheeks (or none at all) and dark lipstick (which they believe makes them look fairer!

I have seen a couple of your looks Zerin, mashallah very pretty!

HAHA omg couldn't agree with you more everytime i see this i just want to reach out and help them and that's why i make sure my mom doesn't look like that when she goes to any events lol and zerin you are adorable i saw a couple of your tut's also good stuff


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I've been approached by a MAC mua yesterday she was asian, she asked me if what i'm wearing on my eyes were MAC products and if so which ones were they, i was so happy


What were you wearing??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
What were you wearing??

I had pure ore (gold) metal x on the lid topped with gorgeous gold eyeshadow and had humid in the crease and carbon outer V. Feline on the waterline, blacktrack fluildline on the top lashline and the green pearlglide liner on the lower lashline.


I'm so relieved to find out that I'm not the only MU maniac desi out there, lol. I look forward to wearing it even if I'm going to get some groceries, lol. A full face of MU gets me stares from family members, like where are YOU going? Anyway, I don't care...I got my DH to haul for me too!! When Barbie came out, I made him to go Bendels and buy me the whole collection, lol. And when travels, I give him a list of what to look out for at Duty Free and any Asia EX...and it's not just MAC. He's ok with that...although nowadays he's kinda like, isn't that enough for several generations or the entire neighborhood?

I need to see some more tutorials, there's a lot of creative stuff out there!


Well-known member
I might be going to Toronto with my mom in summer.. Are there any CCO's there? (I always start planning my vacations really early , haha) This is kinda off topic but how is the weather there? Since I actually want to go to LA (been there twice , love , love loveee) but my mom wants to go and visit my aunt in Toronto..


This is my usual party routine which really seems to work for me.

I start with MAC eyeshadow duo in silver family ( limited collection i think) it had huge specks of glitter in it which sparkle like craaazy. I put some gold mine in the crease and then use my mac 209 brush to put on fluidline. In this particular picture I had fake lashes on.. which btw were awesommeeeee... my liner is a little jagged.. but I fixed that before leaving the house =D ...

My face had sweet william cream blush that was blended with a kabuki brush and the same shadow duo that I used on my lids.. I used on my face! that duo is perfection. I dont use foundation at all believe it or not.. and obviously I didnt line my lower lids.


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