To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Originally Posted by zerin
The one advertising makeup services in some foreign language right? Is she using the same old ones or new ones too? Was there even a contact info? I could try emailing..... Some people are just plain old retarded....oh well....I don't think I can do anything.
I don't watermark my pics entirely either...people can still crop and steal. I noticed she did the "print screen" option and then copied the pics from my video stills. lol *sigh*

She is using the new ones too.. She has them on her hyves profile (same as facebook but in dutch, my language)

I spoke to my cousin and said her that that girl is using pictures from someone else but she didnt believed me and I gave her your blog and yt.. And now she doesnt speak to me anymore


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rooshi
Ziya, my favourite eye combination is to wear cork on the lid with brown down in the crease and teddy as the eyeliner.

How similar is cork to tete-a-tint? would you have any idea..
Thanks for the combo hun!


Well-known member
I think that is the most pathetic thing I've heard on hear...people stealing is that? Sorry to hear that Zerin, hope the issue resolves itself soon..
I got Tippy during the HK craze...but I find that anything hot pink turns red on me! Lickable and Tippy are being returned...(when I get time lol)
I have Desert Rose which is a nice deep plummy pink...but I want something bubblegum pink!! Dollymix doesn't work on me either. excited to give Desire a try, thanks for the rec hun...
So as you guys know, I am a total blush hoe so next on my list is coppertone, fleur power or fleurry...and whatever else you guys enable me into..


Well-known member
Zerin - you need yo do some cyber ass whooping and claim your photos... there must be something you can do?

Ziya - you should try Dame blusher for bubblegum pink


Well-known member
Hey Ziya! You should totally get Nars Desire blush! LOVE IT! It shows up as a true bubble gum pink shade on me. I stopped buying Mac's normal blushes after one palette....I don't really like all of them but I'm really into the mineral ones lol...Also, I'm now very much into the Nars and Cargo blushes.

Benefit's Coralistic blush is look pretty too but I don't not a big fan of box cardboard makeup =S


Active member
Originally Posted by Ziya
How similar is cork to tete-a-tint? would you have any idea..

Cork is medium golden brown and tete-a-tint is peachy apricot color. Both are very different. Cork is very versatile IMO. I also use it sometimes in my crease for the soft neutral daytime look. HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Hi dolls,

I was just wondering what is your everyday make up look? do you stay with neautrals or go for brights?


LOL... mannn I just started playing a bit more with my neutrals... and only for ONE reason. B/c I want to step out of comfort zone of always wearing light tones on my lips or nothing at all. lol.

Me and colored lips don't work well because I'm not used to it. So I've been working with some neutrals lately but still don't touch colored lippies. *sad face*

I LOVE my brights though... I really do. I personally go for color or I literally wear NOTHING on my face. (seriously, I'm all for the bare face) I'm a very all or nothing type of girl.

I love color. I canNOT go w/out it. It's sooooo hard. I do try to tone it down though. Emphasis on the TRY! hee hee


Well-known member
I want to try cork to use to blend harsh lines in the crease but i got told its too close to my skin colour, NC42. Is this true?

Also guys I need your help. I have a bday next week and i'm wearing a fuscia coral dress ( see attached) I was thinking of matching the eyeshadow but then maybe I could do something different? maybe green or even a purple smokey eye? i've put this up in recommendations as well. Its almost the same as the dress in the photo except mine is more orange coral rather than pink.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ndn-ista
Hey! I like Laguna better because it has less glitter then Refined Golden, it has more of a light shimmer....ALSO, I wanted a bronzer without any shimmer, and I was looking through Kim Kardashian's blog and she used Smashbox Bronze Lights, I got it in Suntan Matte, I love it so far!

Okay questions my beauties...I am looking for a soft pink blush for everyday, I have so many peachy/corally colors, I really just want a beautiful pink one...any MAC Recs??? I was also looking at the Lorac blushes...what ya think???


what is the best subsititute for the other worldly blush, i really want one of them but they d/continued

what can i get instead?


Well-known member
hey guys im new on the forum and just love this desi topic

was wondering if somebody could help, i am pretty new to the whole eyeshadow thing.. i bought flip and have my technique etc but im not good at colours combinations,

how can i wear flip, what colours can i use with it?


Well-known member can use the highlight side of the dark MSFN duo..that's LE too though...or you can use trace gold blush or maybe even honor.
The best cheek highliter on me, (nc43) has been irridescent loose power in golden bronze or melon pigment. I also use a drugstore brand called Annabelle, they have loose pigments and the color called solar is an exact dupe of melon and it makes a great golden shimmery cheek color.
I have yet to albatross by Nars but its supposed to be really nice


Well-known member
flip would look cute with maybe expensive pink in the outer lid cranberry in the crease and shadowy lady in the outer v....
or with greens...flip in inner corner then sumptuous olive or henna, humid or carbon in the outer v..
or flip all over lid with Deep truth in the crease/outer corner and freshwater to line lower lashes....
or flip all over and amberlights in the crease, antiqued or bronze in the outer corner..


Well-known member
thanks for the reply, i wil try the flip/sumptious olive/carbon look and see how i get on!

just use flip in inner corner? or abt 1/4 of lid?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zerin
Hey Ziya! You should totally get Nars Desire blush! LOVE IT! It shows up as a true bubble gum pink shade on me. I stopped buying Mac's normal blushes after one palette....I don't really like all of them but I'm really into the mineral ones lol...Also, I'm now very much into the Nars and Cargo blushes.

Benefit's Coralistic blush is look pretty too but I don't not a big fan of box cardboard makeup =S

AHHhhh enabler!loooooool I haven't got any Nars blushes yet but lady after I watched your collection vid I've got them on the mind..

will check it out for know what? I wonder what Exhibit A would look on you? maybe next time you go to Sephora, Sears or the Bay check that baby out...I have a lot of redness in my cheeks so I have a hard time making colors like Tippy, dollymix and Ambering Rose work on looks like I have a serious case of Rosacea when in reality, I'm just a tiny bit pink in the cheeks..LOL
If I wasn't allergic to the mineral line from
I would be ALL OVER those blushes. I actually felt really sad when Grand Duo's released and I had no reason to run to MAC. lol I know, my life is sad
I love me some blushes behbeh!


Well-known member
is anybody buying/bought the new light pink PLATINUM bobbi brown limited edition shimmer brick? will it be for desi skin tones?


Well-known member
try benefit coralista, i LOVE IT sooo much! and it smells gorgeous too!!

and seeing how nice it is makes me a little more forgiving about the packaging than zerin!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shaista1985
thanks for the reply, i wil try the flip/sumptious olive/carbon look and see how i get on!

just use flip in inner corner? or abt 1/4 of lid?

LOL sorry about that I meant the inner 1/3 ish :d good call!
Yah I noticed a lot of people on here build their colors vertically..I like to elongate my eyes by doing a more horizontal I do the outer corner/v with the darkest color ex carbon or humid, then I put flip on inner third then put sumtuous olive in the middle of the lid blending the edges lightly..if you want you can define the crease with a neutral brown for some depth..with my skin color I like to use the dark brown from the tempting quad (I ALWAYS forget the name to that color sorry!!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shaista1985
try benefit coralista, i LOVE IT sooo much! and it smells gorgeous too!!

and seeing how nice it is makes me a little more forgiving about the packaging than zerin!

really? nice I was looking for something to get with my SDM points so thank you! does it make you break out at all? I have really sensitive skin

I haaaaaaaaaate cardboard packaging it doesn't fit in with all the rest of my stuff and its huge and chunky...are you listening Balm and UD? sheesh...I rarely reach for stuff thats not accesible...

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