yah I thought about that...apparently the final effect of the new powder is more glowy and it diffuses imperfections like fine lines and blemishes....
and my butt glows in the dark <rolls eyes> I'm pretty used to Mac's over reaching claims...but I still hold out and cross my fingers for a decent product.
LOL I bet the ladies on here will be comparing the two once it releases...I have to call the pro store to see if its selectively out yet..Let you guys know what I think when I get my grubby lil paws on it!
The blot powder seems to work for the majority of people on here, yet I found for me it left a weird powdery look on my face regardless of my fix plus usage and how much I buffed it. Also, it made me really shiny even though I don't have oily skin to begin with! So a product that is designed to curb shine, is exarcebating this condition?? Doesn't make sense to me..
Like I said in my post above, my skin just did not like it. It seems to block all the pores on my forehead, leaving me with a really wierd not uber noticeable texture that didnt go away with exfoliation. Only when I stopped using it, my skin lost its 3D weirdness loool
Like select sheer, its really fragile..so if you do get it and it works for you, then be really gentle with it! the powder shatters at whim...
actually thank goodness it broke, otherwise I wouldn't have stopped using it!