To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
^I hope so too! Good luck


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Originally Posted by nunu
Hey Jazmatazz

I am excited for Stereo Rose msf too!! It looks so nice in swatches and definately pigmented

I've been wondering id the hype for NARS sheer glow is worth it...I would've tried it but i hate that it doesn't come with a pump
. Also, i hate getting matched lol. I am very new in the liquid foundation department lol. I've been using Studio Tech from MAC for over 4 years..and just recently purchased Studio Fix Fluid a few months back. I love the coverage and that it keeps my oily skin look matte and non greasy.

With UD PP i just open the bottle up and put all the product in a container. Surprising how much product is still left when you thought that you've finished it!!! They really should change the ridiculous packaginf
. Otherwise i'll get the Too Faced one.

I have a lot of make up, i should really stop buying it bt i can't help myself lol.

Hi Nunu! Yay Stereo Rose!
I have a feeling that will be one to purchase quickly since it will probably sell out fast. I think I'll just place an order online when it comes out sight unseen. My closest MAC store is a freestanding one and it gets super hectic the day of and a few days after a new collection comes out.

The major con for me on the Sheer Glow is definitely that it lacks a pump! A product at that price point should have a pump, I waste product pretty often because too much comes out. I heard on YT that Nars will be selling a pump for this foundation in the next few months, hopefully that's true and not a rumor! I also don't have to really wear concealer with the Sheer Glow, but of course everyone's experience with foundation is different. I tried Colorstay before and it didn't work for me at all, but so many people love it!

I'm with you on hating getting matched too. Now I've started to bring my sister and I put the two shades I'm considering (usually can narrow it down to 2) on each jawline and go outside in natural light and check it out. And having another pair of eyes there helps too. So tired of wasting money on the wrong shade/undertone foundation! I also tan very easily so my skintone is always changing which makes it very hard with foundation. I've just recently gotten into mixing foundation a little, using a bronzer/powder to warm up the color etc.

Do you have anywhere where you can get a sample? I was able to get a sample at my local counter which helped tons.

I've used Studio tech for years too! I really like the finish it gives, that it's easy to buff with a 109 and the way it photographs. I had a hard time with it in the summer though because it's regularly over 100 degrees where I live and I'm outside alot so it would kind of melt some in the summer (haha TMI). I don't know how the Sheer Glow will work for me during this summer since I started using it a few months ago. I've used SFF too but getting a match for the summer got difficult. I like how there's a pump on there, one bottle lasts forever. I feel like when MAC gets to deeper colors sometimes they make them too orange. I have quite a few concealers/foundations that are too orange for me.

I've heard of people transferring the UDPP in a pot which is a great idea. I think I will do that once I can't get anymore out with the wand. I'm definitely going to look into Too faced or something for my next eye primer unless they change the packaging.

Haha I have tons of makeup too but it's so much fun to get new colors and addictive!


Active member
I really really want to try out the NARS Sheer glow foundation but I too hate being colour matched by the idiots at Sephora, everytime I 've gone in there they match me to the wrong colour. You ladies on here seem to have alot more knowledge so maybe you can help me out, I'm NC43 in Mac, what 2 colours do you think would be the best match for me in the Nars Sheer glow? TIA


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Originally Posted by Ziya
I know starryskies doesnt wana know, but I would love to hear about you guys recent hauls and product loves!! :p

hehe.. ziya you really are too cute

hey if anyone would like to add me on fb, just shoot me a pm. i like making new friends esp those that like pretty colors like makeup


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Originally Posted by LatteGoodness
So I'm a relative newbie here
and I am just soaking up all this cool information on makeup! Some people on here are so knowledgeable, I am in awe.

Anyway, my question is for all you South Asian decent gals (or guys, whichever!) Do ya'll use bronzer? If so, what type? I'm NC40 and I've tried a few Clinque and MAC bronzers, and I end up looking like I've stayed out in the sun too long, and not in a good way either.

Also, what type of eyeshadow colors look best on our skin tones... I've got light brown/hazel eyes, so from what I've seen so far, I look good in browns, bronzes, golds, purples and pinks. Blues and greens are ok too.. Haven't really strayed from that, though I want to!

And what do you think about eye liner? Do you prefer lining your lower waterline, or does going just below the lashline work for ya'll? I look like a messed up clown if I do that... my eyes just look weird.

Anyhoo, this post is just to see what all is popular amongst us, what looks good, what doesn't, etc. And to the people who aren't South Asian: if ya'll have any input, it's very welcome!!

EDIT: oops, I found out this thread was 58 pages long! I answered to the initial post thinking it was new haha...anyways it might still help. Noobie fail!


I am half-pakistani and half-caucasian, which places me somewhere between NC40 and NC42...none of them is an exact match but that is another struggle! Thanks for creating this topic so we can help each other with skin issues.

I started using bronzer last winter and I find it very useful. I have yet to find my holy grail, I started with Rimmel in Sunbronze (22) just to test it out without wasting money. It does make a small difference, especially when I want to use a foundation that is a bit too light. Other than that, I can coutour my cheeks in a very subtle way and warm up my temples and down my nose. I need to find a darker shade and will keep you up to date with that - I am open to suggestions as well!

I say you should experiment and try to find the right shade for what you want to achieve. A good brush and a precise application makes a huge difference, I would suggest not applying all over since we don't need to darken up everything.

Just like you, I find that I look good in bronzes, browns, golds, plums and purples. I also like green but I don't want to go anywhere near pink, I like to keep that for my cheeks.

I don't think that eyeliner application has something to do with the colour of the skin, but rather with the kind of look you want to achieve. I personally don't like it for daytime and prefer to concentrate on mascara instead, but that is completely up to you.

But if like other South Asians you have a problem with dark under eye circles, I suggest avoiding to add any kind of darkness under the eye. I have used black liner in my grungy teenager years and looking back at it I can say that I really didn't that extra black!

As for the cheeks, I like deep pinks, plums and corals. I learned not to use anything lighter such as baby pinks, I think they look better on white skin.

I just bought a blush today and I think it would look beautiful on all medium or dark skinned ladies, it is MAC sheertone shimmer in the colour Breezy. It is a beautiful deep rosy plum color with a subtle hint of red and a bit of shimmer...lovely!

I hope it helps a little


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeupjunkie08
I really really want to try out the NARS Sheer glow foundation but I too hate being colour matched by the idiots at Sephora, everytime I 've gone in there they match me to the wrong colour. You ladies on here seem to have alot more knowledge so maybe you can help me out, I'm NC43 in Mac, what 2 colours do you think would be the best match for me in the Nars Sheer glow? TIA

I agree with Nunu try Syracuse and go up or down in shades from there. I'm NC43 too and wear Syracuse and for me Barcelona didn't seem right and Tahoe seemed a little orange on my skin. Definitely check it out in natural light, as it helps in making a decision.


Hi All, long time no post! For reference I am a NC40 in Mac and was matched to Syracuse at first but then I had the chance to meet the Nars Rep. in a Sephora store and she took the time to try the foundations out on me and finally matched me to Barcelona. It seems light in the jar but was a perfect match on the face.

A suggestion would be to go to Sephora and get samples of two foundations and then try them out in different lighting at home and outside the lighting in the store is meant to make everything look good!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmietrinh
^If you want a cheaper alternative, you could get Ardell Lash/brow Accelerator and use EVO in your routine too. Ardell is only $6 and it works.

oooh interesting! Have you tried these guys out? I read mixed reviews so I kinda chose the most promising one lool might try those guys for upkeep/maintenance of the lashes.. TY!

Originally Posted by nunu
Anyone got/ is getting anything from Pret A Papier collection?

LOL! Skip for Z....
(strokes wallet and murmurs like a weirdo..)

Originally Posted by Sojourner

Has anyone tried Guerlain Parure Extreme? That has really good reviews on MUA but wow pricey (it's £38 in the UK and I found Sheer Glow expensive at £29 lol)

Haven't tried Extreme..did try Aqua..I would say give it a shot! I feel so guilty but I dont mind tooooo much spending monies on face products for some e/s I have price limits, but face products like skincare, foundie, concealor etc. I'm chill

Antigone: Thanks for the bronzer info, I def wna check out the Rimmel one! Oooh Breezy sounds awesome..I always avoided it coz I thought it might make the redness in my cheeks look worse..what do you think? does it pull super red? TIA!

So ladies, I bought Taj Mahal since everybody loves it
I'm super dissapointed..I hate it.
I tried making it work every way just looked orange no matter how lightly I put it on..I look sunburnt!!!
very sad..
thinking of exchanging it for Deep Throat or Torrid...leaning towards DT coz Torrid looks dupable eh? What do you guys think?


Well-known member
I keep changing what i want from Pret a Papier..
Now i am thinking maybe i should just skip it.


Well-known member
hey I got the Rimmel bronzer in medium matte as it was on offer at Superdrug (UK).. I actually really like it! Its quite sheer so you can build it but its great to lightly dust on the temples and jawline to give that dimensional look. And I can use it as a blush/contour too by using more of it.. but when using it heavier it does start to have more of a red tinge - hence the ability to use as a blush. Pretty good though especially as it is matte. Also randomly picked up maybelline dream matte mousse in sun bronze (im nc42-43).. very pleasantly surprised by this product! I am shocked considering the fairly bad reviews of it..


Well-known member
Hey Ladies! It's been a while since I've posted. Hope you'll are doing well.

Just when I wanted to do some FOTDs...something bad happens!
I've been having allergies and had real bad swollen eyes...I practically looked like a mutant lol but yeh getting better now with the nasal spray.

For the Pret a Papier collection...I think the star of the collection is the Coral Crepe paintpot. The other products aren't that unique or you might just have dupes. I wanted to get the chromagraphic liners but nothing really lasts on my waterline so I changed my mind on that. Instant Chic is like a peachy pink shade and I have tons of peachy blushes like...Melba and Cantaloupe. I really liked Fold and Tuck lipgloss and I am a sucker for coral colours so I had to get

Nunu - I would recommend the Coral Crepe paintpot for sure if you don't have anything similar.

Ziya - Taj Mahal is a real intense orange. You gotta put it on with a very light hand. If you do want to exchange should get Torrid or Orgasm (if you dont have already). I find Torrid to be one of the best Nars blushes after Orgasm. It's my MOST USED Nars blush! It's a really pigmented coral peachy-pink shade and works well for all skintones and Torrid is perfect for the summer. DT is more neutral though so it depends what you're going for. I also find DT doesn't stay on long while Torrid is more long lasting. Again, I suggest Torrid! lol


Well-known member
I am having second thoughts too about Pret A Papier. I think I overhauled in excitement. I bought majority of it but Only really liked Memorabilia and Coral Crepe. The Chromagraphic pencil is okay but I'll keep it bc I like how it wears off just slightly but you can still see it there giving the eyes a wide eye look. Everything else is going back I am afraid.

Edit: I am keeping it all now
This collex may not have Beach in the name but it is very summery and perfect for the great weather! I may just end up skipping To The Beach altogether.


Well-known member
Angely: Do you think its comodegenic at all? me has freaky skin lol
it breaks out if I look at too hard (snickers)

nunu: there's likely gna be better collex from MAC in the summer, right? so why bother? I honestly swatched alll 6156331 of my coral lippies the other day. I love em...I don't need em nor am I gna even risk trying any of the new ones on!!

Zerin:HEY Zerin!! darling we missed you!
so sorry to hear about your allergies though, that totally sucks...are u done exams too? I just finished mine :p Hope you feel better soon!
Ty for the blush advice, I wna try them both on. I went to Sephora today to return Taj Mahal. I stared at both DT and Torrid for like an hour. Then I couldnt find a SA. loool Im gna go to the Bay, they seem more sanitary!

Monica: I totally want those pencils now! lol I just said I was gna skip LMAO I hate white pencil in my waterline...these sound great!

Question ladies: anyone ever try NARS loose powder...? I'm looking at Beach.. reviews are pretty good too!

Products I'm lovin right now:

FRESH SALMON!!(Sorry for shouting, but I am in loooove!) its amazing...and the reason why I am not touching any of the new Pret a papier lippies LOL no more coral.

Tarte Clean Slate: Im not really oily so I dont usually use a primer, I bought this on whim with the TM and keeps my skin flake free, soft and even all day! makeup lasts ages with this stuff!! and its super natural, ingredients are great. makes a great barrier so I can wear things my skin usually hates with less irritation/breakouts. highly reccomend!

Rapidlash: still amazing lol

Subasque: summer glow

Blonde's Gold P/g

2N lipglass


Well-known member
Z - the bronzer or the dream matte mousse? I dont know actually, all I can say is that neither have broke me out (yet), and both are very sheer items with not fantastic staying power - so even if they contain dodgy ingredients, they probably dont have the time to react haha! I will let you know how I get on though. All I can say is for cheap products, and for general every day use (although I dont actually wear make up every day but you know what I mean..) they are pretty good. I actually like that the dream matte mousse doesnt have good staying power, it kind of melts into my skin after a couple hours and looks even more natural - just evens out my skintone like a tinted moisturiser.
Oh and regarding sunblock - I couldnt find the neutrogena one so I got Loreal Solar Expertise anti shine and anti brown spot sun cream and i LOVE it! This product is definately non-comedogenic. It has a goldy/peachy tone to it so no white streaks, very light texture, totally non-greasy and has a matte finish. It absorbs immediately and I have been wearing it every day and also no breakouts or dry patches.
Zerin welcome back! Please please do a fotd with the coral crepe paintpot as soon as the allergies have calmed down x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angelynv
Z - Zerin welcome back! Please please do a fotd with the coral crepe paintpot as soon as the allergies have calmed down x

Oh my gosh I just realised how demanding that sounded haha! Sorry Zerin! Hope you feel better soon and look forward to your upcoming blogs x


Hi Guys!!!
I am looking for some lippie recommendations. I normally wear very shear lippies like glazes n stuff and am trying to get out of my comfort zone and move into more opaque colours :)

I am about an nc37 now but tan quite easily in the summer so i will probably get darker, despite using ss. And i recently finished a course of accutane so my lips are still kinda dry no matter how much I moisturize so I don't think I can pull off matte finishes yet

I am looking for some nudes, pinks and corals recommendations.... anything you can suggest will be greatly apperciated... thanks soo much :)


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