To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
Yay! Just preordered SR.. Thanks Nunu! I already have petticoat and I do love it
I was actually considering about getting a backup of SR but considering how many people are only buying it to resell on ebay I think I might just leave the backup and hopefully it will make its way to another beauty lover

Also, just similar is NARs Torrid to SR.. I have seen swatches comparing it to Deep throat but not Torrid


Well-known member
Ok so I started a new job, and decided to try to make an effort and wear a bit of make up every day. Problem I have found is my blush tends to migrate and end up blotchy and patchy by the end of the day. Either it ends up on the apples of my cheeks or back towards the hairline! I tend to wear Gingerly. My problem has been somewhat alleviated now that I use my MAC 187 to buff the colour in (omg what a great brush!) but ideally i would love to get MUFE HD blush or their aqua creams as from what i have heard they dont budge once on. Problem is I live in the UK, dont want to spend a fortune shipping in MUFE products. Can anyone recommend a similar product available in the UK??? Thanks!


Well-known member
LOL so i realised every time i post i completely change the topic - so in an effort to balance things out - re petticoat - the colour is lush, but its way too sparkly IMO. What i am loving from the in the groove colllection is the Happy Together mb - WOWWOWOW! and Call My Bluff - which noone seems to comment on much but i think it the most gorgeous perfect cool coffee colour which goes so well with a really dark smokey eye.. Any thoughts on Call My Bluff?


Well-known member
Has anyone here tried the bobbi brown corrector and concealer? I am interested in this product. Thanks


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Has anyone here tried the bobbi brown corrector and concealer? I am interested in this product. Thanks

I have the concealer. It's really creamy but it also tends to settle in lines for me. Not the best choice for undereyes. But I like it for covering up dark spots caused by blemishes
. HTH!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dopista
Yay! Just preordered SR.. Thanks Nunu! I already have petticoat and I do love it
I was actually considering about getting a backup of SR but considering how many people are only buying it to resell on ebay I think I might just leave the backup and hopefully it will make its way to another beauty lover

Also, just similar is NARs Torrid to SR.. I have seen swatches comparing it to Deep throat but not Torrid

Hi Dopista,

There's a swatch here comparing SR to Nars Torrid, post# 83
They look simmilar but Torrid is a tad pinkier


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Has anyone here tried the bobbi brown corrector and concealer? I am interested in this product. Thanks

I do nunu
I think the corrector is really good, it really helps me to cover my dark eye circles! But the MA say some people don't find it necessary, maybe because i have bad eyecircles
so it really helps me! I just feel it takes a tad longer to apply than my MAC moistureselect since more blending required!but the texutre is amazing


Well-known member
Thanks! I am really interested because no MAC concealer can cover my under eye area
They do lessen the greyness under my eyes and brighten my eyes up but you can still see them! Which corrector did you get?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Thanks! I am really interested because no MAC concealer can cover my under eye area
They do lessen the greyness under my eyes and brighten my eyes up but you can still see them! Which corrector did you get?

Mine is in dark peach!Go try it out it really does help!I feel
However because it is one additional step i do tend to get lazy & slack off
Anyways my in the groove stuff have arrived!EXCITED!
i need to make a haul video


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vintageroses
^^ aww you're the sweetest, I really hope we can meet one day!!!!
I think you're the first person i got so close to online!

Aww that's very sweet


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Has anyone here tried the bobbi brown corrector and concealer? I am interested in this product. Thanks

nunu, did u try the bobbi brown concealer/corrector? how did u find them?

i came across this link that has tips on using concealors. its stuff that we might already know but always nice to read again: TROY JENSEN


Well-known member
I know this might be the wrong place to post, but I can see that the tutorial request threads are overloaded and as you guys are so informative and helpful.. Well I was watching Kourtney and Khloe take Miami (haha love the Kardashians!) and in episode 3 of season 2 where Khloe is sat in the kitchen and starts an argument with Scott calling him a psychopath - she has the MOST amazing make up on. Its like a soft very smokey taupey matte brown swirled around her lash line top and bottom and an orange lip.. So so stunning never seen anything like it - I cant find a still from the episode unfortunately - does ANYONE know what i am talkng about or has seen it ??? Desperate to find out how her make up was applied. I know this is a really really long shot.. thanks!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by starryskies
nunu, did u try the bobbi brown concealer/corrector? how did u find them?

i came across this link that has tips on using concealors. its stuff that we might already know but always nice to read again: TROY JENSEN

I haven't tried it yet. Must go to a counter soon. Thanks for the link.

Originally Posted by angelynv
I know this might be the wrong place to post, but I can see that the tutorial request threads are overloaded and as you guys are so informative and helpful.. Well I was watching Kourtney and Khloe take Miami (haha love the Kardashians!) and in episode 3 of season 2 where Khloe is sat in the kitchen and starts an argument with Scott calling him a psychopath - she has the MOST amazing make up on. Its like a soft very smokey taupey matte brown swirled around her lash line top and bottom and an orange lip.. So so stunning never seen anything like it - I cant find a still from the episode unfortunately - does ANYONE know what i am talkng about or has seen it ??? Desperate to find out how her make up was applied. I know this is a really really long shot.. thanks!!

I love their make up all the time! I need to watch the episode you're talking about.


Well-known member
I love their make up all the time! I need to watch the episode you're talking about.
yes you must watch it and let me know what you think .. in the meantime I will try to get a still from the episode..


Well-known member
^^ yess try to get a picture or something! I always love their makeup too! I'll try to do a tutorial on my channel if you can get a picture for me hun!

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