To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Active member
I loved the MC collection, bought both the lipsticks which look great on me, yash is the most perfect nude and it doesn't look too pinky which is what i have been wanting for some time. Looks great with strong eyes and this perfect nude lip for me. Meher is also great, i have never been fond of matte lipsticks but both look great. For the yash sometimes I put high tea ontop for a little sheen.


Hi! Newbie here! :)
LOVING this thread so far (haven't read all 53 pages :p)
I'm Pakistani NC 42-44
Was seriously lacking makeup info for my skintone/features so I think this forum is fab!

Haven't checked out the MC collection yet but am pretty curious about it

Need a new nude lipliner btw, was using MAC's cremestick liner in sublime culture
works really well for me so am probably going to repurchase it, or does anyone have better recommendations?
used it with Shy Girl lipstick but realized I'm not a big fan of the cremesheen finish... Going to try a whole bunch of shades recommended in this thread, THANKS! ;)


thx for the tip girl! unfortunately they don't sell NYX here in the netherlands :[
I didn't get a lipliner but got that gorgeous nude lipstick from the mickey contracter collection: yash
pretty perfect nude lipstick for me if I say so myself!



Well-known member
You are too gorgeous!!!



Active member
Wow that blush are you wearing! also what mac foundation are you.I think im about NC40 (ive never actually gone to mac to buy foundation, just the powder where im a NC40)


Most of the time I'm a NC42 but a good summer changes that into NC44 :)
I'm not wearing a MAC foundation on that picture btw, wearing Bobbi Brown's skin foundation in warm honey!
Blush = MAC's cream colour base in virgin isle - my fav!!


Most of the time I'm a NC42 but a good summer changes that into NC44 :)
I'm not wearing a MAC foundation on that picture btw, wearing Bobbi Brown's skin foundation in warm honey!
Blush = MAC's cream colour base in virgin isle - my fav!!
Love the blush, girl! Thanks for sharing :)


Well-known member
Finding a foundation has to be my biggest challenge. Any of you girls have an issue with your face color being darker than the rest of you? Every foundation I use seems to either look ashy or too dark on me... *sigh*.


Well-known member
And yes, MC was a disappointment for me too. I like the quad since it looks so natural on me, and I liked Siahi too (photographs really well) and Sur is a nice natural colors on me. But I had to give away Yash l/s because it gave me concealer lips and Mehr l/s isn't too nice on me either... I could probably pull it off with a dark lipliner but I hate dark lipliners. I thought these lip colors would work for those of us with more pigmented lips, guess not. I already own Mocha and it looks orange on me and I didn't get Gulabi or any of the single shadows because my resolution this year to buy more wearable makeup.


Well-known member
quelleerinq you are gorgeous! Totally loving Yash on you and i regret not getting it as im nc42 too!


Yeah definitely got that issue (I'm guessing a lot of the girls do?) have you tried MAC Pro Longwear or NARS Sheer Glow, both are amazing foundations with good colour selections for South Asian/Middle Eastern/Hispanic etc. skin tones.
I find that certain brands (like Lancome, Chanel) are usually death on our skin tones since they are either sooo pink or sooo orange, with no yellow-y goldenness. What do you usually wear?

For sure, I've definitely found a lot of foundations to be way too orange.

Smoohead, I've had luck with the Estee Lauder Nutritious makeup in intensity 4.0. It goes on like a dream and doesn't break me out (HUGE concern for me, my skin is acne prone and super sensitive). It matches my skin tone perfectly. I will say that they have far fewer shades than MAC and NARS (the website says they only have 6 for this particular type of foundation), and it's a little too pricey for my liking.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll find something to your liking soon :)


Well-known member
MC was already sold out on the day of the launch. Why? because MA's kept things on hold for customers. So when i went to have a look at things I wasn;t sure i wanted (Gana highlight blush, Saffron es, Gulabi and Mehr lipsticks) Everything was sold out appart from Oomph eyeshadow. I wanted the blue fluidline too :(

I did have the double ended concealer, Ooomph and Marvel es on hold.

I swatched Full Fuschia next to Gulabi and definetly liked Gulabi more, it had a reddish/pinky undertone to it but alas, it was on the display but sold out, just like everything else.

My next big haul is peackoky for sure!


Well-known member
Were there actually any foundations out with this collection? When I did a search for it online, a few blogs and sites stated there were some in between shades (like a nc43.5) but I didnt see it listed on the website. Whats the word on this?


Well-known member
Am I allowed to say that I have some Mickey Contractor and Cham Pale and Peacocky items if anyone needs to purchase? PM me (bought way too much, hubby hit the roof, need to purge quick! haha)

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