To sell or not to sell? HELP!


Well-known member
Hello fellow specktraettes I have a problem. I'm broke. Not complete poverty broke but my job is acting up and need to start saving. I have a lot of LE (zandra to MSFs) and I want to know what you guys think. Can you part with your prized possesions and since I've never done this before what is the best way (MUA, specktra, ebay...). Thanks guys.


Well-known member
I just did something like this. It sucks, no lie. What I'd do first is find any products that you don't use at all and won't be missing, and sell those. I sold my stuff on the livejournal mac community ( If it's brand new in the box, you could put it up on ebay, but I'd really only recommend that for insanely HTF items like MSFs, as ebay is kind of hit or miss when it comes to sales.

I ended up only selling some stuff that I never use, and I was able to dig out of the stack of bills, so it was ok

Good luck!


Well-known member
Yeah I had a Parrot e/s I used once the first day I bought it. Not really my color. I never used it but I guess I just wanted to keep it cause it was such a hard item to get your hands on. I really needed some extra money last year so I could get my boyfriend a nice birthday present so I let it go on Ebay and it hurt even thought I never reached for it! I say if you never use it anyways, just let it go!


Well-known member
The Clearance Bin here is usually pretty reliable, as well as the selling comm's on LJ. eBay is good for rare, LE, and HTF items but like mentioned earlier can be hit or miss. Best of luck, and kudos for taking control of your finances.


Well-known member
If you manage to sell your HTF items for a good (i.e. inflated) price, and find yourself in a better financial state later on, you'll probably be more likely to get your hands on them again for the same price, so you won't really be out anything, aside from the actual product for a few weeks, months, whatever
I've sold a lot of stuff that I loved when I needed the $$, but I never missed them as much as I thought I would. Except maybe Moth Brown, but that came back! So there's that. I'd rather be MAC-less than food-less


Well-known member
sell! I know it hurts... but if you aren't using it, peace of mind is better than sitting duck makeup. Just keep your favorite colors/most used items- and no, that's not all of them

Definitely when you get into a better financial situation you can buy what you truly miss- you may realize it's not all that much.


Well-known member
Ebay used to be good for at least getting back the original value of the item, but it has changed a lot in the past couple of years. Now I find that people only want to puchase on ebay items that are way discounted and are basically using it as an outlet (of course, unless its a rare item). Also I've had so many (especially when it comes to MAC for some reason) non-paying bidders, it would make me bitter except for I've had way more good buyers. So basically my point is that ebay is good if you are desperate and don't care what you end up selling your items for as long as you get something for them.


Well-known member
yeah ebay used to be great for this but now it is clogged with people not selling mac but putting it in the title to gain some attention. People used to just browse ebay and bid and bid and bid. But no one is really looking like that anymore.


Well-known member
Sell it! There are so many members on here who are new to MAC and missed out on old collections so i'm always looking for the LE items!