To the boys on the board...


Well-known member
If you are upset/pissed off, what is the best way for a girl to deal with it? My boyfriend is really stressed out right now and I want to know how to react when he's venting and upset without making him more angry... Girls are so much easier to deal with!!! Lol.


Well-known member
I'm not a guy, but I think the best thing someone can do in this sort of situation is listen. Just let him talk, nod, agree with whatever he says. Don't give advice unless he asks for it.


Well-known member
my boyfriend is going through the same things at times i think he has periods lol


Well-known member
Not a guy either but...

I think it depends on the guy - as much as the way we react to woman is an individual thing. Give him space, let him vent but don't let him treat you badly (not saying that he does)... just that sometimes I have to remind my SO that it's not my fault. I think it's only human nature to take things out on the person you are constantly around once in a while...

Make him a good home-cooked meal and surprise him by putting some cookies in his bag - just a nice gesture. If he's a good guy, he will get over himself and appreciate the little things, even if only for a moment.

All the best!


Well-known member
The best thing to do is let the guy be.
Hard I know but yeah sometimes guy sjust wanna have space to be all bitchy. LOL


Well-known member
As said above, let it pass, as long as it has no negative effects on you or your relationship.


Well-known member
Girls are so much easier to deal with!!!

*unstoppable laughter*

But seriously, it really does depend on the situation. And the guy. For me, having the girl listen to me is very important. Also, act sympathetic. If you're not the one he's mad at, take him out to dinner. Or give him a massage.

But reading some replies, you can see it depends on the guy. I'm a very emotional guy, so I like comfort and sympathy. If my (hypothetical) girlfriend just said "ok" and walked away, I'd feel dejected. Like they didn't care about my problems and didn't want to make me feel better. But I also virtually never get upset in an angry way, I usually get upset in a pouty/crying way. And there are probably different rules for dealing with those.


Well-known member
Thanks everybody... My main problem is that because of our schedules and the fact that we live so far apart I only get to talk to him for about half an hour a day and see him maybe once every week or two. So when he's actually brought up something that upsets him it feels like he needs more from me than the usual 'boy is upset' response. You know, leave them alone to deal with it. He gets plenty of time alone to deal with stuff so I feel like when he is coming to me I have to do something else. But at the same time I don't want to do that clingy girlfriend thing, because let's face it, who likes that?


Active member
Originally Posted by Wattage
Not a guy either but...

I think it depends on the guy - as much as the way we react to woman is an individual thing. Give him space, let him vent but don't let him treat you badly (not saying that he does)... just that sometimes I have to remind my SO that it's not my fault. I think it's only human nature to take things out on the person you are constantly around once in a while...

Make him a good home-cooked meal and surprise him by putting some cookies in his bag - just a nice gesture. If he's a good guy, he will get over himself and appreciate the little things, even if only for a moment.

All the best!

My thoughts exactly. I completely agree with everything you've said.
"If he's a good guy, he will get over himself and appreciate the little things, even if only for a moment." -Definitely true!
Be sweet to him when he's stressed/upset.