Tom Ford Beauty Discussion


Well-known member
Some swatches of all three quads- Lavender Lust, Seductive Rose and Orchid Haze- from The Beauty Look Book

They're all quite lovely. Orchid Haze remains my most wanted of the three, but the other two are nice as well.
Orchid Haze is really pretty and an everyday wearable palette. Really nice!


came across this photo from a Hong Kong TF BA...I think this is the first swatch of ice queen online so thought I should share it with you guys! A cool toned grey palette with a tinge of blue. Absolutely gorgeous colors. Kathy (The BA) said these will hit HK in around November so I assume it's launching with the christmas collection.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm glitters <3


Well-known member
came across this photo from a Hong Kong TF BA...I think this is the first swatch of ice queen online so thought I should share it with you guys! A cool toned grey palette with a tinge of blue. Absolutely gorgeous colors. Kathy (The BA) said these will hit HK in around November so I assume it's launching with the christmas collection.  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm glitters


Specktra Bestie
came across this photo from a Hong Kong TF BA...I think this is the first swatch of ice queen online so thought I should share it with you guys! A cool toned grey palette with a tinge of blue. Absolutely gorgeous colors. Kathy (The BA) said these will hit HK in around November so I assume it's launching with the christmas collection.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm glitters <3
Although they're clearly different, the palette reminds me a little of Guerlain Les Gris. I have to be careful with blue tones, because they can emphasize my dark circles, but lighter, icier colours tend to work out fairly well. If I'm picking a quad, I'd still go with Orchid Haze but I'm intrigued by this one nonetheless.

Sugar & Spice

Well-known member
Got my Pink Haze today and I honestly don't know why I passed it up initially because it is beautiful. I think I tried Escapade and wasn't impressed so I automatically disregarded Pink Haze as a bust. Still not interested in the Fall collection and after seeing the quads, they're okay but I wasn't impressed simply because I have similar shades already and at Tom Ford prices, it needs to really stand out and be unique. Ice Queen is pretty but it wouldn't work with my skin tone.


Well-known member
came across this photo from a Hong Kong TF BA...I think this is the first swatch of ice queen online so thought I should share it with you guys! A cool toned grey palette with a tinge of blue. Absolutely gorgeous colors. Kathy (The BA) said these will hit HK in around November so I assume it's launching with the christmas collection.  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm glitters


Well-known member
Got my Pink Haze today and I honestly don't know why I passed it up initially because it is beautiful. I think I tried Escapade and wasn't impressed so I automatically disregarded Pink Haze as a bust. Still not interested in the Fall collection and after seeing the quads, they're okay but I wasn't impressed simply because I have similar shades already and at Tom Ford prices, it needs to really stand out and be unique. Ice Queen is pretty but it wouldn't work with my skin tone.
The same thing happened to me. I wasn't impressed by Escapade. Now I've been thinking of Pink Haze.


Well-known member
came across this photo from a Hong Kong TF BA...I think this is the first swatch of ice queen online so thought I should share it with you guys! A cool toned grey palette with a tinge of blue. Absolutely gorgeous colors. Kathy (The BA) said these will hit HK in around November so I assume it's launching with the christmas collection.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm glitters <3

Wow this looks gorgeous! Thank you for posting!


Please let me share a source website for the shared photo of Ice Queen palette above:

Please refer to the post added 10th September, 08:57. You may use your chrome for better reading experience. This MA doesn't own all posts appear in her weibo page (some are shared posts of others).

By going to the weibo Taiwan division, you can now read all weibo member exclusive pages super easily, but you may want to know that many weibo posts are sponsored reviews or seller reviews.


@nylonkk: wait I'm so confused now. this is NOT the source website. the source website is the original weibo. Theres a taiwan version of weibo now? and the TW version just transfers all our post over automatically without users knowing? I'm freaking out now...this sounds so fishy to me. Its like suddenly seeing your entire facebook profile moved to another domain. I dont remember signing an agreement allowing weibo to transfer my content to other websites. Plus I don't think that weibo pages are member exclusive. Anyone can read them, its just that only members can comment or repost. Isn't it like that?

for those who are interested, the source website at the original weibo site for the tom ford BA whose photo I used, Kathy, is as follows (the microblog) (the ice queen swatch)

And in case anyone's wondering, the weibo is a micro blogging social media platform much like Twitter but with greater degree of detail and multiple other functions. Kind of like a merge of facebook functions into a twitter platform. I have to say the chinese excel in incremental innovation based on existing (copied) concepts.

on a side note, you sound like sponsored reviews or seller reviews are a bad thing...being a seller myself I am proud to say all my reviews are committed and honest to reflect my true opinion. And I know many of my fellow blogger friends are the same as well. If you really want to invite spectra users to visit the weibo beauty community (even if its not the original one) the least you could do is show some respect.

Sorry if I'm making a huge fuss out of here. I have to say I'm a little annoyed.


Well-known member
I scratched Savage off my list and now its between Wicked And Narcissist lol After looking at some of the savages swatched I dont think I would wear it as much since I am more of a pink blush type of gal.  I'm leaning more towards narcissist since i dont have a color like that.(at least i dont think) lol oh and Tom Ford's Black Orchid is really close to MAC's Dark Deed.  Im still keeping black orchid because it seems to have more red in it.
Hope everyone is great. curses self for not getting Black Orchid! I know this is a loooong shit, but if anyone's Black Orchid needs a home, I'm looking to take it in, please PM me. I'm trying to avoid looking at these high end threads! Thank you in advance. :)


Please don't take me wrongly, but overseas readers can't read more than a page of search result without being registered as member, also they can't read any full sized picture posted on weibo. That's why so many reviews in blogs are shared in weibo without the original blog writer knowing, they can't get access to it.

It is meaningless to share the CN. version of a webpage that people can't read all the posts! I have to share the Taiwan version of weibo in the hope that if readers think the photos are good, they can try to leave comments in directly at the original posts.

Chinese is a complicated language for English readers even when they can use chrome for translation. It is totally not my intention to make you upset for the sponsored review part. I am really sorry. But this is a well accepted and very requested manner for youtube videos and bloggers to claim that whether they are sponsored for their writings or if the products are gifts from certain source. In US/ Europe, Ebay sellers seldom write online reviews. A seller can be proud of the good writings they offer, as they may have access to many more brands general people own, I respect that.

I just don't want readers here to wrongly take that all posts are written by the same weibo owner, I think they can understand shared posts as Twitter and facebook users can do so.

I enjoy peaceful discussion online, but I TOTALLY don't want to get involved in argument in forum, please pm me if I am not explaining well. Sorry again for the confusion.


Its such a shame they decided to discontinue this shade. I love my black orchid and already stocked up another one in case I run out. I also own the japanese brand Addiction's lipstick in Lady of the Lake, and I understand that these two are complete dupes (didn't know when I purchase them separately lol). That one isn't getting off the shelf anytime soon so you could probably also keep an eye out for it! (its definitely a chunk cheaper than TF but since it's only available in japan the purchasing service may cost a buckload too...I spent about 50 USD on mine.)


Specktra Bestie
curses self for not getting Black Orchid! I know this is a loooong shit, but if anyone's Black Orchid needs a home, I'm looking to take it in, please PM me. I'm trying to avoid looking at these high end threads! Thank you in advance.
OK, I make more typos than anyone because I type quickly and often don't check my posts, but I'd just like to say that I'm having a rough few days and that typo made me laugh for about 5 minutes straight, which I really needed.

It's possible that some counters still have stock, so it might be worth calling some close to you. Just a thought.



I am experiencing technical issues with replies again, please let me explain again.

It's totally not my intention to get into an argument online, please pm me if you are still uncomfortable. This is inappropriate to argue in forum setting, I would do whatever you demand to leave this place neutral. And I am still learning and improving with my forum writing.

For weibo, non-registered users cannot read more than a page of search results and they can't read anything at the weibo page. Not to mention they can't read the full sized photos of a webpage link you share. Weibo TW is my only resource to let non-Chinese reading readers to show support by writing MORE directly to the post writer. I don't know the financial structure of Weibo enterprise regionally, I am not sharing illegal links here, it's meaningless to share a blocked cn. version of weibo, you should really complain to the enterprise owning both weibo CN and weibo TW.

A seller can certainly have more expertise in makeup as they can have access to more brands. But it's an unspoken tradition to share the source link of any piece of info not owned by the Specktra reply writer, we always do. And the majority of youtubers and bloggers state clearly without being asked, for whether they are sponsored for their writing or how do they own the products being reviewed, I believe Ebay seller would need to declare that also.

Sorry for my previous writing but I think your accusations are too disrespectful and not right for all, when I am still online and you can ask me to post also the cn. version of link, or have pm discussion with me first.


Well-known member
Hope everyone is great.

curses self for not getting Black Orchid! I know this is a loooong shit, but if anyone's Black Orchid needs a home, I'm looking to take it in, please PM me. I'm trying to avoid looking at these high end threads! Thank you in advance.
I think my Neiman's still has Black Orchid available. Would you like me to pick one up for you?


Well-known member
The same thing happened to me. I wasn't impressed by Escapade. Now I've been thinking of Pink Haze. :worms:   Debbs...
Got my Pink Haze today and I honestly don't know why I passed it up initially because it is beautiful. I think I tried Escapade and wasn't impressed so I automatically disregarded Pink Haze as a bust. Still not interested in the Fall collection and after seeing the quads, they're okay but I wasn't impressed simply because I have similar shades already and at Tom Ford prices, it needs to really stand out and be unique. Ice Queen is pretty but it wouldn't work with my skin tone.
I am totally opposite! I love escapade but could not get pink haze to work for me! in fact it started my peachy golden eyeshadow search! if anyone has good recommendations for a good peachy quad, pls let me know!! waiting for GC from BG from last event to pick up flush + ravish! can't wait!! the only blush I am on fence about is frantic pink as it is quite light! I have found the TF blushes look great mixed with chanel cream blush + the colors seem to coordinate quite well! have been using narcissist w/fantastic + savage w/destiny... Sarabeautime - posted your blog at TPF and some have commented what a beautiful amazing blog you have!


Well-known member
came across this photo from a Hong Kong TF BA...I think this is the first swatch of ice queen online so thought I should share it with you guys! A cool toned grey palette with a tinge of blue. Absolutely gorgeous colors. Kathy (The BA) said these will hit HK in around November so I assume it's launching with the christmas collection.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm glitters <3

....what a GORGEOUS palette

Thank you for sharing!!!


Well-known member
Can anyone swatch Bruised Plum next to Black Orchid?
I would love to see how they compare!

Thank you