Well-known member
Hiya Wow everyone's order lots or had them already Would love to see more swatches ladies
)))) pretty please lol I'm going to try n order some from the states but I'm so not well at mo bad cough n cold that I hadn't been bothered
apart from one I ordered yesterday from selfridges jullian I just cannot go through that list of mine again Or I try n out it down again As I want to narrow down I haven't no reds on my list I don't think So far but I find a lot of reds difficult to wear too I do like lady bug ! Don't know what red that is and if it's cool or warm I don't know lol I loved wearing that on my birthday Halloween this year Is there a red like that in this collection do you think ? It's all a big headache for some of us Why do 50 lippys lol I mean it's not a bad thing but you know For us that not got stores close it's a pain I'm usually ok with choosing mac colours But give me 50 mac lippys I be like mmmmmm lol Madness Hope you ladies are all well and looking forward to New Year's Eve !!!!! My hubby picking my mum up tomorw after his done at the airport He will have to drive abit out of his way though from the airport Then to my mums house to pick her up Gosh I'm bit excited I only saw her recently too on Xmas day and Boxing Day n day after lol My children will be excited there nanna coming bk So I be spending new year n new year day in With my family And a bottle or two of champagne lol Hope I'm a little better soon I have just had brandy in my cup of tea yum What are your plans ? Happy and healthy new year to you all 2015 Sorry if early But just incase I don't get on here !!!! ️