Hi ladies Just got back from work from my new job I started today If you can call it that a hour a day working in a school

)) . Nude dip I need I think

heard nothing but good things about that Do you ladies have loads of money to buy tf etc or you save ? You don't have to tell me I was just curuios that's all as there's so much I would love to try I need to get me hubby to get a few bits but mmmm I don't think so not yet Not till his done aload of overtime or I save

My little one is just getting over mild phemonia ATM

rushed him to hosputal Friday where the doc we saw at docs surgety thought it was suspected meningitis or appendicitus I'm so shattered as not had much sleeps

work wasn't bad today and LO is at nursery ATM and I pivk him up soon Bk to tf the foubdation stick I would love to try too If it's easier to put on and quicker ? Could you use fingers or a brush or a beauty blender is it better than the mac ones or bobbi brown ones I mean enough product comes off for the whole face ? Sorry prob not making much sense lol Yer I'm giving ravish a skip I may go for wicked instead I don't know I need to do more homie wrk about them