Well-known member
I'm a sex blogger. I get told all the time that what I do as a part-time job is "inappropriate for a young lady" and that it makes me look like an "oversexed whore."
I tell them, thank you very much, I love being inappropriate and oversexed.
Really, people underestimate female sexual capacity. I think it's because, biologically speaking, the male sex drive generally is like one flat line going right across the middle of a chart...and a woman's sex drive is constantly diving and leaping up and down with her cycle, sometimes admittedly dipping below the consistent male line, but also swooping way up past it from time to time!
As for sex toys: I review sex toys a lot, and it has never really made sense to me why people are so insecure about their partner having sex toys. It's a piece of silicone; yes, it vibrates, is neon green, or makes my coochie tingle, but it cannot wash my dishes, snuggle me, or pull my hair and call me its beyotch.
Hell, I think using toys with a partner = epic sexual win, and I'm more likely to NOT want to date somebody if they don't own a single toy.
Some people do have very different sex drives, and that can lead to sexual incompatible within a relationship unless a compromise can be figured out. Because I have a VERY high sex drive, one of the "compromises" I make is using BC pills, which temper it a bit.
Lastly, sex addiction is painful and underestimated, but rare. It's only an addiction if it interferes drastically with your normal life and you cannot help yourself. Sex addicts do not have sex because it feels good, they have sex because they're addicted to it, and they may ruin their lives seeking sex multiple times a day to get the addictive chemical rush from an encounter. Many people think about sex WAY more than they'd like to admit it. I think about sex in the middle of my college courses, when I'm meeting with a professor, when I'm examining produce at the grocery store, when I'm trying to fall asleep, and--oh, don't pretend this has never happened to you!--when my parents are talking to each other over my head.
I tell them, thank you very much, I love being inappropriate and oversexed.
Really, people underestimate female sexual capacity. I think it's because, biologically speaking, the male sex drive generally is like one flat line going right across the middle of a chart...and a woman's sex drive is constantly diving and leaping up and down with her cycle, sometimes admittedly dipping below the consistent male line, but also swooping way up past it from time to time!
As for sex toys: I review sex toys a lot, and it has never really made sense to me why people are so insecure about their partner having sex toys. It's a piece of silicone; yes, it vibrates, is neon green, or makes my coochie tingle, but it cannot wash my dishes, snuggle me, or pull my hair and call me its beyotch.
Some people do have very different sex drives, and that can lead to sexual incompatible within a relationship unless a compromise can be figured out. Because I have a VERY high sex drive, one of the "compromises" I make is using BC pills, which temper it a bit.
Lastly, sex addiction is painful and underestimated, but rare. It's only an addiction if it interferes drastically with your normal life and you cannot help yourself. Sex addicts do not have sex because it feels good, they have sex because they're addicted to it, and they may ruin their lives seeking sex multiple times a day to get the addictive chemical rush from an encounter. Many people think about sex WAY more than they'd like to admit it. I think about sex in the middle of my college courses, when I'm meeting with a professor, when I'm examining produce at the grocery store, when I'm trying to fall asleep, and--oh, don't pretend this has never happened to you!--when my parents are talking to each other over my head.