transfer from EL counter? possible?


Well-known member
If you work for a regular Estee Lauder counter would you have a foot in the door to work at a MAC counter? Just wondering, as we only have EL, Lancome and Clinique counters here but we are moving soon. Thanks!



Well-known member
This has been my experience with MAs wanting to switch lines into MAC...mind you, this may be an isolated thing, and may not happen in your area, so ask the counter manager at the MAC counter you want to go to if this is status quo for your area:

Here in So. Florida, it is difficult to switch from a line (even Estee Lauder) into MAC...the reason I have heard is that most of the EL counters are part of Federated Stores (Macy's, etc). MAC is not part of Federated. They just rent space at the stores and play by their own rules.

The logic behind it is that Federated does not want their employees jumping ship, so they make it difficult, if not next to impossible to switch to MAC. You have a much better chance of landing at a MAC counter as a freelancer first (they offer a lot of the open positions to the freelancers here, esp if you have cosmetic/and or MAC experience).

Like I said, this may not be the norm where you are...check with someone who might know...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
Well I'll definately say you've gotten your foot in the door since EL is the parent company of MAC.

It has nothing to do with it. When I worked for EL everyone and their mother wanted to eventually go to Bobbi Brown or the MAC store and working at EL didnt help, it actually hindered.

BB especialy since it was in the store, liked to hire outside, not inside the store. The MAC store well, hired from the store but not because you worked for EL or Lancome or BB but because they liked you.

I know somone who got hired at MAC who worked at EL for 2 months and with no previous experience, and it had nothing to do with them working for EL. She had to call EL to get permission to interview, luckily the store was a stand alone store if its in your store its harder.

Just my op at my store as managers hate when people switch counters esp non comm ones which everyone wants to work at since the hourly is higher and you dont care about returns etc etc and no GWP presell etc.
It can actually be harder to get in if you are working for an EL company. IE for origins or aveda etc...however if you are just working in a macy's you are working FOR macy's so it shouldn't really matter. If you want to go into a MAC in the same store that may be another matter. Taking you from EL could be looked upon as head-hunting.

I've been through this...was a MAC manager for 2 years.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone, that was exactly what I needed to know


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