Tres Teal Mineralised Eyeshadow


Well-known member
What collection is this from? I saw it in the selling thread and need to know! It's gorgeous! Too bad someone already bought it.


Well-known member
I looked on ebay. And sadly, they don't have it.

Were there other colours too? I'm addicted to mineralised shadows!!! Hopelessly.


Well-known member
Yes, there were a couple. Tres teal, Whim (purple), Aristocrat (taupish) and Little Madame (pink). Oh, and Noble (golden bronze color). Occasionally, they are on ebay but I have seen them at CCO alot.


Well-known member
One thing to note if you buy one on ebay. The boxes have the name of the shadow as well as a number. The shadow label itself does not have a name and number on the label, just the name. The box for Tres Teal will say: Tres Teal 08. Just thought I would mention that as numbered MAC shadows other than these are FAKES.

BTW, these are really sheer on their own. They definitely need a base or to be applied wet with mixing medium. HTH


Well-known member
I think the collection was called Rococo released in July, 2004, if my memory is correct.

It looks really similar to the Steamy eyeshadow on my NC15 skin. A little bit darker than Steamy though.


Well-known member
Yup, Rococo...Unless you're going for the collector's value, it's really not that great, just a washed-out version of Teal pigment