Ok, where do i start?
So far i like this season much better than last.
1. The villan; Marny as marny was one creepy as bitch. Why was she so creepy? Because she acted like a child, and did so much damage. Marny as Antonia? ehhhhh. I mean, I'm not feeling Aunt Petunia with the accent but thats just me.
2. Sam Merlot: Do me.
3. Eric: Eric was cute at first. His child like wonder, his fear and trepidation. Now that shit is old, and i want bad ass throat ripping Eric the viking back!! And him and Sookie? BARF!! That is some twilight bullshit right there. Next thing you know theyre going to bedazzel his nipples and give him a bouffont.
4: Sookie: Can we just kill her already?
5 Jason: Ok, i feel really bad for him. That whole werepanther thing (stupid as it sounds!) and him being raped was rough. I still think hes going to turn into one though.
6 Jessica: I love her. I do. I'm just infatuated with her face. If she dies, im going to break some toes. I would like to see her and Jason together. She and Hoyt have lost their appeal. In fact, i dont much care for Hoyt Fortenberry at all this season.
7 Jesus: Can we just kill him already? He is LAME!
8 Tara: Ok, i actually like her this season. She's not such a whiner. She's taking charge, and is pretty funny. Could they cast a worse actress as her gf though?
9 Demon baby: So we all know by now it's not Rene. Clearly the doll is haunted or something and that french woman is attached to it.
10 Vampire Bill: He's getting better, but he's still so smackable. So smarmy.
11 Alcide and Debbie: I dont even care.