True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member
False. i have very small hands. but to answer ur Q, they have big gloves?? LOL

TNP has their toe nails painted


Well-known member
False! Surprisingly. I realized that I had the same polish on for WAAAAAAAAY too long and in anticipation of my weekend getaway, I removed it.

TNP has toys or other items to "keep them company" around their computer monitor.


Well-known member
You mean all this crap i've got surrounding my computer on my desk that i need to clean up? if not, then false.

TNP makes their bed every morning


Well-known member
True. Even though sometimes, when I'm in a hurry, I may forget it...

TNP has had a very nice dream last night (no details needed


Well-known member
False. I had a bad dream although I can't remember what it was about.

TNP has been to Disneyland in the past year.


Well-known member
False. (fotd means face of the day)

tnp likes PABLO FRANCISCO stand up. (If you haven't heard of him, go on youtube and watch 2 clips of his routine before you answer. HE'S HILARIOUS!)

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