True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member
False, but have been together with bf since 10 years so it's kinda like being married

TNP is so sick that she's feeling dizzy all the time.


Well-known member
False, thankfully.

TNP is cold n shivery sitting at the computer, but so engrossed in specktra that she/he can't be bothered to get up n get a jumper/put heating on.


Well-known member
true!! or so i like to think haha, people are always shocked when they see me clubbing because im usually really shy but i dance like craaazzzy

TNP loves cheese


Well-known member
has been? NOPE.....Never been in love until I met my current BF. he's actually my first bf too. been together for 6 yrs now! =)

TNP needs to peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Well-known member
True. This super stunning one of a kind piece that my parents shilled out for for my twenty first birthday. Best surprise ever. And, I don't even like diamonds.

TNP doesn't have laundry facilities at home. (In their home or apartment building)