false, i dont even know what they are... tnp is gonna have a shower now
Urbana Well-known member Apr 9, 2006 #241 false, i dont even know what they are... tnp is gonna have a shower now
I ishtarchick Well-known member Apr 9, 2006 #242 false: i just did LOL TNP has traveled to all 5 continents.
michy_mimi Well-known member Apr 9, 2006 #244 True...but I have to be in the right mood TNP loves sleeping in on Sundays!
kaliraksha Well-known member Apr 9, 2006 #245 TRUE, and I'm at work The next person's favorite cuisine is Italian...
I ishtarchick Well-known member Apr 9, 2006 #246 half true, i love italian & mexican (real) cuisine TNP loves doing the laundry... :S
user2 Well-known member Apr 9, 2006 #247 Horribly terribly false! The next person likes salty stuff (chips etc) more than candy!
kaliraksha Well-known member Apr 9, 2006 #252 true, about 80% true... i like few sports and i play for about 20 minutes... and i can watch sports for about 30... so my tolerence is low TNP has a Louis Vuitton...
true, about 80% true... i like few sports and i play for about 20 minutes... and i can watch sports for about 30... so my tolerence is low TNP has a Louis Vuitton...
I ishtarchick Well-known member Apr 10, 2006 #253 FALSE, i don't like louis vuitton anything *ducks and runs* but I'd kill for a real DIOR bag. TNP has bungee jumped or freefall parachute jumped.
FALSE, i don't like louis vuitton anything *ducks and runs* but I'd kill for a real DIOR bag. TNP has bungee jumped or freefall parachute jumped.
Juneplum Well-known member Apr 10, 2006 #254 false.. oh HELLL no! way too chicken! tnp loves roller coasters
mitsukai Well-known member Apr 10, 2006 #255 TRUE!! im a rollercoaster fiend! tnp loves to watch freaky health shows on discovery/discovery health!
TRUE!! im a rollercoaster fiend! tnp loves to watch freaky health shows on discovery/discovery health!
michy_mimi Well-known member Apr 10, 2006 #256 False! ew...I hate that stuff! my bf love it though the next person is sad that the weekend is over...
False! ew...I hate that stuff! my bf love it though the next person is sad that the weekend is over...
kaliraksha Well-known member Apr 10, 2006 #259 False =( I kind of want to though... The next person gives out toothbrushes for halloween to combat those naughty candy givers...
False =( I kind of want to though... The next person gives out toothbrushes for halloween to combat those naughty candy givers...
I ishtarchick Well-known member Apr 10, 2006 #260 NO WAY!!! i love candy, i'd never do that to a kid LOL!!! TNP walks (or used to) walk in their sleep.
NO WAY!!! i love candy, i'd never do that to a kid LOL!!! TNP walks (or used to) walk in their sleep.