True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member
True! But it's ages away. Only going up to the gold coast though.

TNP has cut a credit card in half before (yours) due to serious spending issues lol.


Well-known member
False i don't even have a bank account lol

TNP likes the smell of petrol (gas whatever you call it)...


Well-known member
False. Any scent of gas freaks me out. Especially gas stoves. I love chlorine and hairspray though. mmhmm.

TNP has had hair the length down to their butt (at any age) before/now.


Well-known member
True, but only if the fragrances are emanating from real fruit I can eat!

TNP has a gross early Summer cold or something like that. grrrr



Well-known member
Hey! Good for you!

Quite unfortunately, a big falso for me.
I've hidden my credit card from myself & I can't find it. My birthday's coming soon, tho

I hope you got wonderful items & enjoy them!

TNP cried *and* laughed Today.
(not necessarily at the same time



Well-known member
True... i cried because i didnt wanna go home from my bfs
and i laughed because we always have a good laugh together

TNP has over 20 mac lipsticks


Well-known member
True..if hair mascara counts. (?) I have dyed my hair many different colors, tho (not only mascara on a few strands.)
Now i'm back to my natural, just about Black hair. I've been trying to get it more healthy. I sooo want to color it again...
Maybe i will use a pink or purple hair mascara tomorrow. Thanx for the pink idea.

TNP enjoys a beverage while applying makeup.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
True... i cried because i didnt wanna go home from my bfs

*HUG* sorry

I cried because I was feeling ill & my hubby had to work.

and i laughed because we always have a good laugh together

same here

i hope you see your bf again asap! xxCherylFaith


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lizardprincesa
True..if hair mascara counts. (?) I have dyed my hair many different colors, tho (not only mascara on a few strands.)
Now i'm back to my natural, just about Black hair. I've been trying to get it more healthy. I sooo want to color it again...
Maybe i will use a pink or purple hair mascara tomorrow. Thanx for the pink idea.

TNP enjoys a beverage while applying makeup.

false.. usually im in a rush when applying my make up because my bf is so impatient.. lol

TNP has children


Well-known member
Congratulations to you!

False. When I lived in England, everybody drove standard. Since I didn't know how, & a 2nd car was unaffordable to maintain, I didn't drive for 4 years

(except for a few lessons in Sainsbury's parking lot)

Hubby wants to buy a standard car; he longs for it (he so misses home, England, & driving stick shift.)
Maybe I'll learn when we can afford a 2nd car.

My grandmother, nearly 96, owned a car while she was attending NYUniversity in....the 20's, i think. I don't think it was common that women owned cars & drove around back then.
Of course, her car was stick shift.
She once told me automatic is "not really driving."

She is the coolest person I know.

TNP feels really happy about something Today (it can be anything.)


Well-known member
True im really excited to go on holiday in 37 days lol

TNP can see out of the window from where they are sitting


Well-known member
Very, very true and soon to become even more true with all the fantastic forthcoming collections. Oops ...

TNP has at least one MAC make-up bag.

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