True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member
TRUE, a rotten weekend actually.. got into an argument with my parents. =( hate fighting w/ family.

- The next person owns blue mascara. -


Well-known member
i dont have a man right now, but TRUE, boxers are sexiest to me

tnp has a particular food that they hate (name, if so)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
i dont have a man right now, but TRUE, boxers are sexiest to me

tnp has a particular food that they hate (name, if so)

True. Potatoes. No joke.

TNP must see the dentist.


Well-known member
True. There's only one in my house that only gets turned on for football games and movies.

TNP hates talking on the phone.


Well-known member
False. Far too cold for ice cream. ~39 degrees F where I live.

TNP knows how to change a flat tire.


Well-known member
False, I think. I've never had a Taco salad.

TNP has cried their way out of a summons from a cop.


Well-known member
False, maybe i would if i didn't retarded earphones ¬¬ - one's waaaay too short which means that i have to to hold my ipod close to my face or tuck it into my bra lol

TNP keeps getting distracted when they're supposed to be working =/


Well-known member
false, i've never done it!

tnp has a family with their own christmas traditions - like things you always do on christmas day or around christmas time?


Well-known member
True. Midnight mass on Christmas Eve (which is really about 10pm) then opening presents afterwards which is usually till almost 1:30am

TNP has already started their Christmas shopping.