false, I'm allergic The next person has been to a forgein country
IslandGirl77 Well-known member Apr 4, 2006 #41 false, I'm allergic The next person has been to a forgein country
kaliraksha Well-known member Apr 4, 2006 #43 so true TNP knows who the founder of Apple Computers is...
melozburngr Well-known member Apr 4, 2006 #44 true!!! OMG SO TRUE. The next person has a secret tattoo!
melozburngr Well-known member Apr 4, 2006 #45 wow- that was my post for ice cream one, but it totally works for this one, too!! I'm a computer nerd!! lol Jobs, of course. and the Woz.. I love the Woz.. what a cool nickname lol
wow- that was my post for ice cream one, but it totally works for this one, too!! I'm a computer nerd!! lol Jobs, of course. and the Woz.. I love the Woz.. what a cool nickname lol
kaliraksha Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #48 true,eee dont like it the next person has posted in this thread more than 3 times
melozburngr Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #49 True (this ones counts) The next person has had burping contests with their friends.
DaisyDee Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #50 True -- back in junior high! LOL The next persson, when seeing a big white zit on someone, feels absolutely compelled to pop it.
True -- back in junior high! LOL The next persson, when seeing a big white zit on someone, feels absolutely compelled to pop it.
jess98765 Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #52 True - can corn The next person is compelled to play with their makeup stash right this instance
LineausBH58 Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #53 true... but i am too sleeeeepppyyyy TNP drives a blue car....
J JGunnar Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #54 False. It's red. The next person loves violent video games.
Pushpa Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #55 false i get spooked lol tnp walks for breast cancer/diabetes or something of equal importance
jess98765 Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #56 as much as i'd like to we don't have that kinda support stuff here..... so FALSE tnp is superstitious
as much as i'd like to we don't have that kinda support stuff here..... so FALSE tnp is superstitious
michy_mimi Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #57 false I am not much for all that superstitious stuff The next person has been to Disney World
Turbokittykat Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #58 False The next person prefers stay ups (thigh highs) or stockings to tights
Juneplum Well-known member Apr 5, 2006 #59 true i HATE full stockings! way too hot here 4 that! the next person has been to jamaica