True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member
False. Snow? Just rain, but that is bad enough

TNP has MAC SE brushes.


Well-known member
YUM!!! Unfortunately false. I had a falafel crusted salmon a week ago and it was so yummy.

TNP is drinking peach oolong white tea.


Well-known member
True, not at the gym today though, too long of a day, going to make toe 35 min walk home count though!

TNP is very sleepy!


Well-known member
Yes! Mostly because I'm the only one in the office today and there's no one here to keep me company and make my day go faster.

TNP is sneaking on the computer and on this forum right now at work LOL


Well-known member
False, don't have a job ;(
TNP had more than 2 cups of coffee today and is feeling just slightly overcaffeinated ;O


Well-known member
False...I've had one GIANT iced coffee, and a 20oz soda...but I'm still exhausted, and feeling no effects of caffeine at all...darn the luck.

TNP owns more than 5 blue e/s...


Well-known member
^^ Stupid Man, is that enough?

False, it's sleepy Time here in Germany.

TNP is going on Vacation soon...


Well-known member
False D: I hate the sun, all I do is burrrrn in it... I'm a cold lover, can't stand heat!
TNP loves grocery shopping! xD


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tahti
False D: I hate the sun, all I do is burrrrn in it... I'm a cold lover, can't stand heat!
TNP loves grocery shopping! xD

False. I hate it, I wish I can have someone else do it for me

TNP loves garlic.


Well-known member
False, I don't watch YouTube channels much...
(but if you've never seen the literal music videos, you MUST watch them...hysterical!)

TNP Just wishes the rain would stop...