True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member
I wish! I'm at home for the summer, and there's not much going on in my town. It only has a few thousand people, so no clubs :(

TNP is addicted to diet coke


Well-known member
false - i actually hate diet coke! it's the nromal stuff or nothing for me i'm afraid!

TNP will never leave the house without mascara on


Well-known member

Eye products are the one thing I actually don't mind passing on, especially during short outings or allergy season!

TNP loves to burn scented candles!


Well-known member
True! I train 4 times a week with a trainer, and then I try to get to the gym another 1-2 times on my own. Although I've been on holiday for the past 2 weeks, so I need to kick my butt back into gear - and it's gonna hurt! :p

TNP likes to file their nails square instead of round.

(P.S. I haven't been to this thread in ages!!! Love it :))


Well-known member
true! i much prefer having square nails than rounded ones. i feel like they break less that way!

TNP will go to the movies this weekend


Well-known member
True! Jerome and I are taking his little niece and nephew to see Cars 2 :) I may also go out with a couple of teacher girlfriends to see Bad Teacher :)

TNP looooooves poutine (a French Canadian dish made with french fries, cheese curds and gravy, and sometimes other yummy things too!)


Well-known member
False! I've never actually had it, but oh my god it sounds delicious. Might have to have my brother in law (who is french canadian and knows how to make the dish) make some for me, then I'm sure I'll change my mind.

TNP totally is a cat person.


Well-known member
False! Cats are ok. Some better than others, but I can't get over the litter box and hair balls. I am more of a dog person and have enjoyed bunnies as pets as a kid.
TNP is totally a city slicker.


Well-known member
Oy, after living in the suburbs of Chicago for almost 20 years I'll take a cabin in the woods over an apartment in Wrigleyville any day of the week!

The next person read chelsea chelsea bang bang recently!


Well-known member
haha no, but I have taken pictures of my friends planking! I just had an appendectomy, so I will not be planking for quite a while!

TNP is going to the beach this weekend!


Well-known member
Nope - but I'm going to a waterpark with my godson on Friday! :D

TNP is eagerly and impatiently awaiting the new Glam Glass collection from MAC


Well-known member
False...I can only remember them if I look them up online. Something about reading it instead of hearing it :)
TNP is in love.


Well-known member
False :) I've been to Greece (have not been back since I was 12) Paris, Zurich, and London because those were the first stops on flights to Greece

TNP...sings in the shower


Well-known member
False :) I've been to Greece (have not been back since I was 12) Paris, Zurich, and London because those were the first stops on flights to Greece

TNP...sings in the shower
true! but only when i am home alone!

TNP feeds wild birds in their garden.

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