True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member

TNP took a nap.


Well-known member
False .. i wish im pooped

TNP thinks its funny when their kids throw farts while they sleep!! omg toooo funnnney, im looking at my oldest sleeping and everytime he turns and toss in the bed he throws a stinker. gawd he stinks lol


Well-known member
True! LOL I think it's funny when they fart when they are awake, their so suprised by it.

TNP....Is drinking a beer. (I know I am


Well-known member
False. Geez, Island Girl, it's only 8:58am! You must think I am some kind or lush, or something! JK!

TNP died their hair back to the actual colour of their roots. ( that is what I looked like 5 years ago???)

Chic 2k6

Well-known member

TNP have a habit of chewing things

I got a bad habit of chewing stuff that is soft plastic like rubbery watch strap. right now im chewing on LE Cool and Aloof Lipgelee tube with the l/g in it lol

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
sorta true

TNP just been dancing nonstop for an hour and a half to music channels

(Im pooped out now lol)


Well-known member
Nope...I stay out of the sun...or use so much sunscreen that I never, ever tan or burn...any tan I have came from a can!

TNP is staying up late tonight...

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Trueish, i really need to go to bed earlier =| i been going to bed after 2am every night and wake up at 10:30am

TNP likes fizzy/soft drinks (mmmm Dr Pepper)


Well-known member
very true
I always have a diet coke can/bottle in my hand. . . they might as well trademark me with it

*edit* whoops we posted at the same time. . . so I'll answer that one.
False, my mom has never said that, but that's really funny!

TNP hasn't had a day off work in the last week

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