True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member
TRUE! I'm an expert at driving stick

TNP has perfect posture while sitting.


Well-known member
ughh False.... I try really hard though! but after a while i find myself slouching... grrr..

TNP - always has at least TWO types of mac lip (product gloss lipstick etc.) readily available in the purse at all times


Well-known member
True!! I have Early Bloomer Lipglass and Fullfilled Plushglass in my purse at all times!!

TNP is watching Project Runway tonight! I know I am


Well-known member
FALSE! I'm not a lurker! I am here for hours though!

TNP gets the tummy flutters when they think about their man.


Well-known member
true most of the time. Unless I am angry with him. then I dont feel flutters.. more like ... bulls. charging.

TNP -Is a Morning person


Well-known member
False.. but MAYBE true.., It depends if its truely forgotten. and with me chances are likely..

TNP- has more stuff, Than room to store it.


Well-known member
TRUUEEE that!! I'm moving soon so I'm trying to get rid of all the unneccessary junk...UGH!

TNP has kissed someone of the opposite sex

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
False. I used to but not anymore

TNP is craving a Ben and Jerry's but know they're not allowed to have it


Well-known member
True and false - I am craving cookie dough but I have a great metabolism so I am allowed

TNP loves to drink whiskey and chainsmoke