Trying to get in with MAC (Chicago)


New member
Hey, okay so I sent Kim Flanner, regional manager for the midwest, my resume in late December and she got back to me right away asking for an interview. I went in and saw her for the first verbal interview and was a bit shaky on some things and a bit nervous, but I did well, I think. I definitely conveyed my love for cosmetics and the MAC brand specifically. I got home and sent a thank you email and was told I would hear from her in a week IF they were interested.

I didn't hear back, but I sent a follow up email giving more thorough answers to questions I thought I might have bombed and talked about the FABCE method, with an example. I included links to my personal makeup blog, my beauty and fashion blog for a local magazine, and my YouTube tutorial videos. I got no response. I sent another email a week later with no response. So recently I decided to get the followers on my blog and my supporters involved. I created a blog post talking about me wanting to work for MAC and asked everyone to comment on the post saying"I want you to work for MAC" or simply like the post. I got great responses and some people even took the time to write compliments and praise for my ability.

I sent a link to the blog post with all the comments off to Kim with some updates on my freelance work and some great advice blog posts I had done recently. I linked in my YouTube page which had 2 new videos since we met. This was 2 days ago, I'm am at least feeling like she should tell me something. I might be a bit aggressive, but I know what I want and I am passionate about what I do. This experience is starting to sour my feelings towards the brand completely. Don't I at least deserve some acknowledgement, an email telling me that she received it but wasn't interested or something. Is she really the busy?

What do you guys think?

Here are some links to my blogs and YouTube page, maybe I am not talented enough yet. I feel I get better each day.

Admin edit - Per forum TOS please keep self promotion limited to a link to a personal website in your signature area.


Well-known member
chicago is a super busy and hard region to get into. trust me mac is hard to get into it took 6 months to get and interview for me. personally if i was trying the person i would see all the emails and the blogs etcc.. and as aggressive and a sign of desperation. go to the counters make an effort talk to the employees do another application. if you dont hear back you have to start all over again from the bottom. think of it like a phoenix start over and rise from the ashes your in charge of what you do. so take a step back and be humble about your skills. MAC wants people that are humble not someone who thinks they are good and knows everything. there is a certain type of look MAC wants in men as well they want men with boy beauty perfectly groomed clean skin. boys really dont wear makeup unless its a theme day and they get assigned a look or you want too. if you look at any male MAC employee that is at a higher level in the company you will never see them painted the house down. for men its all about the skin. and presence. go in looking like you work for the company already be humble and ready to listen to critique and take it all with a grain of salt dont get defensive.

hope this helps


New member
I almost feel I was too humble, I went it and did express a bit of nervousness with some areas as an artist. I don't know if she read that as me not being ready. But you are right, I will start all over in awhile , new beginnings, right!!!

Painting my face the house down is like second nature to me, lol. But I will go a bit more natural in the future. I want to get in with MAC because I feel I will grow so much as an artist, I know I'm not the best, but I am so passionate. I really want a shot.


Well-known member
I almost feel I was too humble, I went it and did express a bit of nervousness with some areas as an artist. I don't know if she read that as me not being ready. But you are right, I will start all over in awhile , new beginnings, right!!!

Painting my face the house down is like second nature to me, lol. But I will go a bit more natural in the future. I want to get in with MAC because I feel I will grow so much as an artist, I know I'm not the best, but I am so passionate. I really want a shot.
i understand being nervous i was when i did my demo i even dropped a brush. haha. you might not be ready right now in one persons eyes but in another you could be that is why its good to meet the counter mangers from other location take a portfolio if you have one ask for critiques. make your self known. i know when i started i wanted to be painted for the gods trust me i have been there. i love all the crazy makeup but i have an obsession with the no makeup up makeup like the trends for spring summer such as the athlete trend. know what is going on with trend in makeup do you research this site is great for that i got my job because of this website because it has all the right information. its all a matter of how you take it and use it to your advantage.


New member
Okay so I have been absent from the forum and haven't pursued working at MAC in awhile. Since December of last year, I have taken a step back and gained a bit more retail experience, more professional makeup experience, and finished up my training in esthetics. I was contacted my Kim, Regional Manager for MAC, a month ago and came in for another verbal interview. The interview was a lot more laid back and she remembered me so she felt no need to ask as many questions as before. We both agreed that I was a bit too aggressive the last time around and seemed more prepared this time. She told me that I was selected to do the makeup demo interview on the spot and it is scheduled for next week. I am super nervous, but a lot more relaxed this time around.

My makeup was less intense this time btw, went for a natural look. Liquid liner, mascara, filled in the brows and some Face and Body foundation. So thanks for the advice on toning the makeup down. I feel good about my chances this time around, it took a year, but I think I am ready.


Well-known member
Okay so I have been absent from the forum and haven't pursued working at MAC in awhile. Since December of last year, I have taken a step back and gained a bit more retail experience, more professional makeup experience, and finished up my training in esthetics. I was contacted my Kim, Regional Manager for MAC, a month ago and came in for another verbal interview. The interview was a lot more laid back and she remembered me so she felt no need to ask as many questions as before. We both agreed that I was a bit too aggressive the last time around and seemed more prepared this time. She told me that I was selected to do the makeup demo interview on the spot and it is scheduled for next week. I am super nervous, but a lot more relaxed this time around.

My makeup was less intense this time btw, went for a natural look. Liquid liner, mascara, filled in the brows and some Face and Body foundation. So thanks for the advice on toning the makeup down. I feel good about my chances this time around, it took a year, but I think I am ready.
it takes a long time but at least you got a second chance. good things come to those who wait


Staff member
Okay so I have been absent from the forum and haven't pursued working at MAC in awhile. Since December of last year, I have taken a step back and gained a bit more retail experience, more professional makeup experience, and finished up my training in esthetics. I was contacted my Kim, Regional Manager for MAC, a month ago and came in for another verbal interview. The interview was a lot more laid back and she remembered me so she felt no need to ask as many questions as before. We both agreed that I was a bit too aggressive the last time around and seemed more prepared this time. She told me that I was selected to do the makeup demo interview on the spot and it is scheduled for next week. I am super nervous, but a lot more relaxed this time around.

My makeup was less intense this time btw, went for a natural look. Liquid liner, mascara, filled in the brows and some Face and Body foundation. So thanks for the advice on toning the makeup down. I feel good about my chances this time around, it took a year, but I think I am ready.
Good luck! If you get a job in the area, lmk! I'll stop by and say Hi!