Soooo........I am getting a bit fed up with the CCO lacking on the new shippments. I mean seriously! It has been months!!! Grrr....don't they know I have money I want to spend!?!?
So I went to the CCO today as I had a work appointment in Everett (sorry Lahdeedah I would have e-mailed you but I didn't think you wanted to go to my work thing with me!)
They really didn't have much new. Here are the few notable things that I saw:
Wildfire Nail polish
Flourishing Matte2 shadow
Handwritten Matte2 shadow
Prussian Matte2 shadow
Tete-a-tint Matte2 shadow
Brownscript Matte2 shadow
and all of the usual shadows like Claire de Lune, Purple Shower, etc.
The did have A LOT of skin care like Strobe Cream, 45/100 count wipes, cleanse off oil, makeup remover, Prep & Prime SPF 50, fix+, try on pacs, and a lot more.
The had the studio lights concealers, quite a bit of dark foundations, a few of the loose beauty powders like tenderdusk, dancing light, and drizzlegold. The also had Emote blush.
As far as tendertones for keik614 they had take a hint, purring, tender baby, shush!, hush hush, soft note, and one more.
Nothing notable in lipsticks and lipglasses. The did also have groundwork paint pot. They had all of the same pigments they have had for the last two months.
So that is all that I have to report! Trust me I wish that I had better news!