Seattle CCO update
I just got back from shopping today and the CCO had lots of stuff this time. Lots of e/s , some l/e (sunplosion, say yeah are the ones I can remember) and surprisingly alot of regular line e/s like twinks, crystal avalanche, knight divine, dazzlelight, era, soba., beauty marked, and creme de violet. I've heard dovefeather was being d/c so if anyone's interested in that, it was there. There were 2 shelves filled with e/s. Lots of fluidlines too - waveline, iris eyes, haunting, brassy, and some blue and green ones I can't remember. Lots of blushes - (I remember plum foolery and flirt & tease) other sheertone shimmers and a few blushcremes. The pigments they had were melon, copper sparkle, fuschia, vanilla, pink opal, blue, and violet. Tons of stuff! I don't know long any of it will be there. I went this morning, bought flirty number (of which there was 5 or 6 left) then I went back a couple of hours later and only one was left (which of course I grabbed!). =)
Hope this helps anyone waiting to go!