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Tutorial Contest Winner April 2008: Kim Kardashian Smokey Eyes With A Twist Tutorial


The tape tip really worked out well, thanks! The rest of the makup is gorgeous too, I love the Kim look.


Well-known member
What a gorgeous tutorial! I love it. Good job!


Well-known member
LOVE THIS LOOK! you did a great job...it was simple yet you looked FAB at the end!
so pretty!


Active member
Love it! I gotta give this a try for a night out! Great tut, you are inspiring me to give it a try....lol..well maybe if I get enough nerve...


New member
I'm really new to the site and just found this tut, but a lot of the photos aren't working and I would like to see the finished project...do you still have the photo by any chance?? Thanks!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LaurenOU
I'm really new to the site and just found this tut, but a lot of the photos aren't working and I would like to see the finished project...do you still have the photo by any chance?? Thanks!!

unfortunately some of the older tutorials no longer have photos due to the user deleting them or whatever

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