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Tutorial Contest Winner December 2008: Teal, Glitter & Smoke


Well-known member
Re: Teal, Glitter & Smoke Tutorial

oooweee i love this look and u are hilarious

go get them mens with that face honey


Well-known member
Re: Teal, Glitter & Smoke Tutorial

Gorgeous. Very sophisticated.<3

You are very pretty, by the way.


Well-known member
Re: Teal, Glitter & Smoke Tutorial

this tutorial is superb!! i've got a sample of reflects transparent teal on its way, can't wait to try this

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Re: Teal, Glitter & Smoke Tutorial

nice look
i have Teal and Reflects Transparent Teal. I will give this look a try for the x-mas party I'm attending on Saturday!


Well-known member
Re: Teal, Glitter & Smoke Tutorial

Love it!! I really need to experiment with my teal pigment!


Well-known member
Re: Teal, Glitter & Smoke Tutorial

Thanks so much for the tut, I absolutely adore the reflects teal on you, gorgeous!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Re: Teal, Glitter & Smoke Tutorial

Thanks so much for the tut, I absolutely adore the reflects teal on you, gorgeous!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Re: Teal, Glitter & Smoke Tutorial

love it, i'm so wearing teal for new years eve so i'm def gonna bear this post in mind!


Well-known member
Gorgeous! Teal is one of my absolute favorite things in the world! Congrats on the Dec. Tut of the Month!


Well-known member
u r so cute! your complexion looks terrific too. I liked how you explained each step. One of these days I'm gonna try this look out

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