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Tutorial Contest Winner February 2007: ~LadyLocks~


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

Gorgeous color combo, I especially love the lashes!


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

Thanks so much for this detailed tut!!! love it!


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

OMG !!! O_O

that's really, really beautiful !!!!!

great job

i have to try peacocky with accent red & violet p/m !!!!!


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

i love how u this tut breaks everythingd own step by step so clearly. the end look is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

Soooo Pretty!!!! I love it!

Great tut....Thanks!!!


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

I'm really impressed with how in depth this tut is! Thanks so much!


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

Great tut,
Thanks for sharing the great information


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

amazing tut! thank you SOO much for making this. i love this look & i'm dying to try it out!


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

OGM, this look is perfect!! You look fantastic!


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

Aw, this is so pretty! You should do more tutorials, you're good at it!


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

Fabulous tutorial!
What lashes are those? I have to have them!

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