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Tutorial Contest Winner June 2007: Black&Green Tutorial for a sunday afternoon


Active member
Ohh! What surprise!!!. Thanks to all you for your votes.

The best compensates for me, is than you have valued my way to make up, because I have been learning so much in Specktra while I see day by day all yours looks.

All you have something that to teach us to the others, so I animate to all you to continue publishing your photos and tutorials here.

Thank you so much!!! :lolz:


Well-known member
I'm going to buy th Guerlain kohl and the Sephora pencil! Thanks for the tutorial I want to try this....you look so sultry.


Well-known member
AWESOME tutorial!!

Where exactly did you apply the Guerlain eye khol?? Upper and lower lashline and waterline too??? I wonder how safe is it. And HOW did you do it?? LOL I want to buy one the brown or the black!


Active member

Originally Posted by Sophia84
AWESOME tutorial!!

Where exactly did you apply the Guerlain eye khol?? Upper and lower lashline and waterline too??? I wonder how safe is it. And HOW did you do it?? LOL I want to buy one the brown or the black!

I apply it only into water line! (upper and down)


Well-known member
So gorgeous!!

¡Este tutorial está genial!!!

Me encanta cómo lo has hecho, está muy bien explicadito paso a paso y las fotos se ven muy nítidas. ¡Así es muy fácil de seguir! Y por supuesto, ¡ese ahumado en negro y verde te sienta estupendamente! ¡En algunas fotos pareces una top!! ¡Sales muy guapa!

Por cierto, el kohl de guerlain y el powerpoint buried treasure están desde hace tiempo en mi lista de futuras adquisiciones pero nunca me decido; ahora además he tenido que añadir el Reflex después de ver cómo queda puesto, jijijiji

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