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Tutorial Contest Winner May 2009: Basic smokey eyes tutorial


Well-known member
Re: Basic smokey eyes tutorial

Originally Posted by SoupyGeorge
D: What happened to the pics?

I can still see them, I have hotlinked them from my blog so there was probably some problems with the image hosting over there. They should be visible now anyway

Ode to Joy

Well-known member
Just like the others already said, thank you for showing this technique in detail. I think your took exactly the right pictures!

Just a quik Q, is there a special reason you don't blend with the 222?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ode to Joy
Just like the others already said, thank you for showing this technique in detail. I think your took exactly the right pictures!

Just a quik Q, is there a special reason you don't blend with the 222?


I prefer using the #217 before the #222 when blending since it has got shorter bristles and it's a bit wider, so it's easier to control. That's my personal preference anyway
I use the #222 to blend too, but for blending harsh lines, the #217 is my best choice.

And I just wanted to thank everyone that voted for me, you guys really made my day!

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