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Tutorial Contest Winner October 2008: Beauty Marked


Well-known member
I really do love this tut!!! Purple looks are my faves and this is so gorgeous! And you look soooo beautiful!
This is what will make me buy Beauty Marked NOW! XD


Well-known member
This is a wonderful tutorial. I fell into the Beauty Marked trap too, buying it but never really finding a good use for it. Your tutorial is very well organized and looks easy to follow.

Great job!


New member
Re: makeup

Hi Im new to this blog I was wondering can anyone point me in the right direction of actually getting to view this tutorial??? So far I can only see the comments back. Thanks so much



Well-known member
I don't remember u posting this, but yeah the first Mac product I ever tried from Mac is beauty marked. I love it = ] in 2003.

Completely gorgeous, thanks a ton! It seems like Beauty Marked always frustrates me. I'll definitely give the red base a try.

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